Author: C. Anderson

Can I Live By Faith But Also Within My Budget?

Can I Live By Faith But Also Within My Budget?

Children’s education is an important issue for all parents – including missionaries. We want our kids to have the best schooling available. Their future matters to us greatly. Do we stretch our faith and place them in an expensive school, knowing we don’t really have 

Making the Most of a Sabbatical: 3 Phases to Include

Making the Most of a Sabbatical: 3 Phases to Include

Have you ever been on a vacation with a hyper- organizer? Every minute is structured weeks before you leave for the trip? For some people that makes the holiday enjoyable. They’ve spent a lot of money traveling to an exotic location and want to see 

Finding Reassurance in the Unending Visa Challenges

Finding Reassurance in the Unending Visa Challenges

Just the word “immigration” can put knots in our stomachs. For weeks before traveling in or out of the country, we prepare ourselves. “This is what I will say if asked.” We face the inner tension of not wanting to be deceitful, but also wanting to be granted a visa.

It can take days to gather the courage to fill out the visa application form. Or to make the appointment at the consulate. We struggle to stay at peace, free from debilitating anxiety. We need to know that God understands and is with us as we face visa issues.

Immigration and visa issues can feel like an overwhelming mountain. We must learn to approach God’s presence, receive His reassurance and find rest in Him.

Passport On The Pile

Another wasted day, sitting in the immigration office,” I thought. “Could the officers move any slower?” They seemed intent on taking as long as possible! Just when our passports were about to reach the top of the pile, the officers took a tea break.

You never knew how long the tea break would be. Thirty minutes? An hour or two?

Finally, they returned. I could see across the room that our family’s passports were on the officer’s desk. My heart pounded. I tried to stay busy with the book I’d brought along. Would our visa be approved or denied?

It wasn’t easy to control my mind. “What if we had to leave the country?” Our kids were settling into school so well. They’d made friends. A sudden departure would be hard on them. And on me.

God, please help me calm down and rest in you!” I prayed. I knew God had called us there. I needed to trust Him to keep us there too.

I Can’t Go Without His Presence

In Exodus 33, Moses is faced with a stressful challenge related to travel. God had told him to take the people to the land of promise. “Get going.” God says in verse one. Then Jehovah announces in verse three “I will not travel with you.” What?? That must have been hard to hear!

God was frustrated with the stubborn, rebellious hearts of the people. He did not want to “destroy them on the way.”

Moses goes into the Presence of God at the Tent of Meeting. He cries out for God to go with them. Without the Lord by their side, Moses declares, “we can not go up from here.”

The Lord reassures the one leader He has called His friend.

“My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14

How Moses needed to hear that from the Lord! If God was with them, they could face the difficulty. After hearing this promise, he was able to rest and move forward.

Do You Need Reassurance?

When we face visa challenges and difficult immigration situations, we can follow Moses’ example. “I can’t go, Lord, unless I know you are going with me.” It’s not a bad prayer to pray.

You may not have a physical tent to go into as Moses did. You likely do have a special place in your house where you regularly meet with Jesus. Get alone with Him and tell Him how you feel. Pour out the worries, fear, and frustration and ask Him to speak once again His words of reassurance. Find rest in Him and His promises.

If Moses couldn’t go into the Promised Land without God as a traveling companion, neither can we.

God calls us to go and live in places where governments are not friendly to Christians. These challenges have increased in recent years. Persecution and government surveillance are growing in many places missionaries live and work.

Our situations are changing but God is still the same. He is the one who parted the Red Sea so the Israelites walked on dry ground. He is the God who opened prison doors for Paul and Silas to walk free.

Be Sure Of This

Every missionary holds Matthew 28:18-20 with high regard. It is this command to go and make disciples in all nations that compels us to do what we do.

Jesus knew the challenges we would face in stepping out to do this mission. He knew the battles we would face and the stress of travel, visas and immigration issues. That is why He promised to be with us.

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matt. 28:20 NLT.

He is with you when you walk through the immigration line. Or fill out that application form. Find rest in His promised presence.

What scriptures do you meditate on when facing visa challenges? Let me know in the comments or on the Missionary Life Insiders page.

It’s Here!

It’s Here!

  Spread the word!

Just For Fun

Just For Fun

What was the weirdest, craziest or funniest thing you’ve seen on the mission field? Please post in the comments or on the Missionary Life Facebook page!