
How Do You Reach Your Neighbor Who Follows Another Faith? (Part 2)

How Do You Reach Your Neighbor Who Follows Another Faith? (Part 2)

When you see a Muslim woman, dressed in her hijab, many Christians feel afraid. They avoid talking to people of other cultures. One of my relatives recently befriended a woman from another faith background. It’s been interesting to watch her reach out. As far as 

How Do You Reach Your Neighbor Who Follows Another Faith? (Part 1)

How Do You Reach Your Neighbor Who Follows Another Faith? (Part 1)

“I’m not finding anyone who is open to the gospel,” he told me in a call. I asked further questions. “Who are you wanting to reach?” He described his vision to reach high caste Hindus in his area. As we talked further, I asked him 

Powerful Analogies for Reaching Your Hindu Neighbors

Powerful Analogies for Reaching Your Hindu Neighbors

You love Jesus and want to tell other people about Him. Maybe you have even shared your faith with many people in your own country or from your own culture. That’s great! How do you begin to reach your Hindu neighbors?

Would it be better to study the language first? Do you need to be close friends with the people you are trying to reach before sharing your faith?

I’d like to try to answer these questions in this article.

Learn Language First?

Learning the language is highly beneficial in becoming a more effective cross-cultural worker. If you don’t make a habit of sharing your faith now though, you probably won’t do it, even when you are fluent in their language.

A few basic foundational understandings are helpful. You can get started sharing Jesus with Hindus right away.

Two Principles Related to Friendship Evangelism

In response to the question of friendship evangelism, I want to present two principles.

I have seen some of our staff invest deeply in friendships with Hindus for many years. When they finally present the gospel, their friends have rejected it outright.

You can only measure a Hindu’s openness by sharing.

We don’t know how a Hindu will respond to the gospel until we talk about Jesus with them. It’s best to share your relationship with Christ early on.

It’s normal to quickly talk about what matters most.

When we meet someone for the first time, we talk about the things that are most important to us within the first thirty minutes. Think about it – you talk about your family, your ideas and your dreams. Some people say it’s not normal or it’s awkward to share our faith right away.

If we say Jesus is central to our lives, yet we don’t mention Him when we begin a conversation with someone we recently met, that’s not normal.

Now that you know that you CAN share your faith with Hindus right away, let’s talk about HOW you can go about doing that.

Barrier: Christianity is the barrier, not Christ.

Though this idea may be difficult for us to understand, the reality is that Hindus respect Jesus as a spiritual teacher. Christians and Christianity are a different matter.

This has much to do with history. The imperialistic nature of the British rule of India, during the colonial period, had a great impact. This caused Christianity to seen by Hindus as a religion for a different culture and community than their own.

In their view, it was not a culture of high morals.

Gandhi was impacted by the teachings of Jesus. But he grew up thinking that a Christian was someone, “born with beef in one hand and brandy in the other.” For a Hindu, drinking alcohol and eating beef is immoral.

This feeling was increased by the negative connotations associated with the word “conversion”.

Hindus believe that conversion means being removed from their family, community, and culture. It may even mean losing their identity. Added to this is the belief that conversion is something that is forced. It is something that is done to someone, not a positive decision they make themselves.

There is an irony in asking the question, “Do you want to be forgiven of your sins and follow Jesus?” To a Hindu, their underlying assumption of what they would be doing, if they took that step, is that they would be committing a great sin. They would be abandoning their dharma – their social obligations and responsibilities.

Bridge: Break the barrier of the false Christianity they know

You must combat this great unspoken assumption of Hindus. Following Jesus is not the “conversion” they have heard about. Speak directly against that misconception. Affirm that this is not what Jesus taught – along with a clear presentation of the Gospel.

The Issue of Conversion

In Matthew 23:15, Jesus condemned the Pharisees who traveled far and wide to make converts. This verse uses the Greek word proselytes. It is where we get the modern word ‘proselytize’. Jesus taught about a heart transformation, not an outer conversion. You can share this as you present the gospel to Hindus.

One of our staff invited me to come and speak to a friend of his. He was still learning the local language, so he hadn’t been able to give a full presentation of the gospel to his friend. As I shared with this young man, I told him about who Jesus was, what He taught, and how He died for our sins but was then raised to life again! I didn’t stop there.

I also told him the story of the demoniac from Mark chapter five. After the man was dramatically healed, he wanted to follow Jesus. I shared how Jesus’ disciples were from a different community than the man. Coming with Jesus would have cut him off from his community and family.

Jesus’ response to him was this, “No, go home to your family and tell them everything the Lord has done for you.” I shared with this young man that Jesus doesn’t ask him to leave his family or community. Jesus wanted him to be the vessel through which his family comes to faith!

I said, “Jesus didn’t talk about conversion, he talked about transformation. Not an outward change, an inward change of the heart. That’s what following Jesus is about.

As I shared this story, I saw this young man’s eyes open. He understood what following Jesus truly meant. The stumbling blocks of foreign religion and imperialistic Christianity were removed. This left only Jesus Himself as the door through which to pass.

Barrier: The concept of sacrificial atonement turns some Hindus away

Sin and atonement are central to the Gospel story. For many Hindus (especially high caste groups), killing and sacrificing animals is a sin. That’s a hard place to start. There is another option.

Bridge: The offering of a coconut as a symbol of sacrifice

One of the most powerful illustrations of the sacrifice of Jesus is the use of the coconut as an analogy for His death. Hindus use coconuts as offerings. They are broken open as an offering to their gods.

Hindus offer countless prayers and make offerings of flowers and coconuts. We can refer to this, then share that Jesus was the only true offering to God which made it possible for our sins to be forgiven forever.

Using this analogy, we can say that in the same way that the coconut is broken, the body of Jesus was broken for us. As the milk spills out of the coconut, Jesus’ blood spilled from His side. Through this perfect and holy offering, we are made clean and white, just like the inside of the coconut.

A video demonstration of how to use this analogy and other great resources are available in Create International’s Tool Kit for Hindu Peoples. Grab a copy today!

Discover as You Go

There are many other bridges that you will come across in your journey of sharing the Gospel with Hindus. These may be a story from their culture, a word or concept, or even a poem or song.

You will notice other barriers as well, false underlying assumptions they have about what Christianity is. By keeping an eye out for these things, you can discern what is going on under the surface.

If they say “no” when you invite them to follow Christ, you can ask, “What are they saying no to? Is it no to following Jesus or to something else that is unspoken but understood?”

Finally, remember this. Until we get out there and start sharing with Hindus, we won’t discover what the unique bridges and barriers are for our Hindu friends. Be mindful of these cultural things, but share the story of Jesus and the testimony of what He has done in your life with love and boldness. God be with you as you go!

How to Share Christ With Muslim Neighbors

How to Share Christ With Muslim Neighbors

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Missionary Safety- Does it Matter?

Missionary Safety- Does it Matter?

Frontier missionaries are usually risk-takers. Courageous and bold, we go where others wouldn’t. We stay when others leave. Deep commitment to the task of reaching the lost motivates us to a life of sacrifice. What risks are unwise to take? Does missionary safety matter? If 

3 Areas Where We Need to Examine Our Inner Life- A Book Review

3 Areas Where We Need to Examine Our Inner Life- A Book Review

Some contemplatives live in a monastery cloistered far away from a broken world. Others engage with it believing that God’s transformation is not only for us but for many. Rich Villodas and his co-author Peter Scazzero live into this tension well. The Deeply Formed Life: 5 Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus was the winner of the Christianity Today Book Award last year. Reading it, one can see why. The breadth and depth of this book make it one I’ll not read once, but be planning to re-read every few years.

Villodas writes on page 173, “Our most effective strategy in reaching a world for Christ is grounded in the kind of people we are being formed into.” I agree. We cannot apply good ministry and disciple-making strategies and hope for good fruit. Our very lives must reflect the Jesus we work so hard to share.

A Journey of Spiritual Formation

This means we must be willing to take a journey of spiritual formation that involves our whole person-our sexuality, racial prejudices, mental health, areas of anxiety, relationships, and more. Villodas’ book speaks boldly to them all showing a breadth of understanding of spiritual formation I’ve not seen elsewhere.

Our spirituality, as Villodas says, is often “shallowly shaped” rather than deeply formed (p. 27). This causes us to be unaware of places where we need His transforming power and life to flow.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

– Romans 12:2 NLT

My Take Aways and Favorite Quotes

My takeaways follow three main categories.

  1. Busyness and barriers to transformation.

I wish I could say I’ve conquered busyness and learned well how to slow down. It isn’t as if I don’t know of its importance. Yet this remains a constant challenge where if I am not vigilant, I find myself too busy and with too few margins in my life once again. The result is always less connection with the One who gives me life. The great danger is that if I am not deeply connected to Jesus, I’ll begin to strive in the flesh. I will work hard to produce, and doing will overwhelm being.

Villodas says, “the problem before us is not just the frenetic pace we live at but what gets pushed out from our lives as a result; that is, life with God” (p. 5). He goes on to say, “As long as we remain enslaved to a culture of speed, superficiality, and distraction, we will not be the people God longs for us to be.”

He then describes his own ways of slowing down to be with God in silence, solitude, and Sabbath. To live a fruitful life, we must learn not only to do this once in a while but to build it into our spiritual rhythm and practice of life. Apart from it, we are apart from God. And apart from God, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

  1. Racial justice and reconciliation

Villodas writes, “Racial justice and reconciliation remain two of the most urgent matters of faith and public witness.” When the Church doesn’t get this matter right, the way the world sees us as Christians is greatly affected. At first, I was surprised to find a chapter on racial reconciliation included in a book on spiritual formation. That would not have been my first thought.

The author goes on to say, “Sadly, there is often a hyperspiritual perspective held by many Christians who see racial justice and reconciliation as optional or ancillary to the gospel.” The more I read the two chapters included in the book on this topic, the more I agreed. It is indeed part of our formation as Jesus followers that we deal with personal prejudices and issues of the heart. We must also, however, be willing to engage with this issue in our world.

When working in North-east India, I remember teaching in a Discipleship Training School for YWAM. I taught the Jonah story and called them toward mission engagement with the plains Indians that were so unreached. As I taught, hatred and racism against the rest of India surfaced. Dark-skinned Indians were not honored or liked by light-skinned North Indians. Tribals were often looked down on and thus looked down on others. There was deep pain and a need for reconciliation between the varied people groups around us.

“At the core of racism is the lie that some people are superior or inferior to others. This happens across all different people groups” (p. 56.) All of us must be willing to consider where our history and upbringing have sown seeds of racist thought in our individual hearts. But it can’t stop there. As Villodas writes on page 56, “Individual racial prejudice is about how we negatively and often violently perceive others, but institutional racism is about how power is used.” Examining how we use power in our Christian institutions is not easy. Yet it is vital to our witness and formation. It takes great courage and humility to be willing to examine and evaluate this. Many are not willing to go there and resist defensively. Instead, let’s be open to the Holy Spirit’s work in us and our ministries too.

  1. Sexuality and Sexual Wholeness

Chapters Seven and Eight address issues of sexuality with wisdom, vulnerability, and transparency. There is much here to learn from. He writes, “When sex is reduced to the moment, our lives with each other become transactional and potentially objectifying. When it is seen as simply an act, our spouses’ bodies become means to an end and we are in danger of having marriages shaped by using and not communion.”

Earlier in the chapter, it says, “lovemaking takes practice, and it begins outside the bedroom.” The book also addresses issues of sexual abuse, trauma, and singleness. These chapters give the reader, whether married or single, much to consider and prayerfully apply.

I recognize that many of my readers do not have the ability to buy the books I review. If you do, this is one I’d definitely encourage you to grab a copy. If the book is not available where you live, or you don’t have the means to get one, I trust this short review will give you food for thought.

Spiritual formation is vital to our lives as Jesus’ followers. It must not be ignored or shoved in a corner while we pursue ministry goals. This is true for me, and it’s true for you.

Paying Attention

Have you been paying enough attention to your inner life with God? Are you distracted by ministry pressures and priorities? If that is the trajectory you are on, don’t wait to make a course correction. Make time for your own transformation into greater Christ-likeness.

Take a Sabbath. Begin a journaling habit. Go on a retreat where you don’t think or pray about ministry stuff. Instead, you simply enjoy Jesus and allow Him to speak to you about who you are and who you are becoming.

Villodas calls our inner life, interiority. I’ll close with this quote. “A life with God for the sake of interiority requires time.” Let’s make time to let Christ be formed in us, to be, not only do.

An Overcoming Spirit in the Midst of Crisis

An Overcoming Spirit in the Midst of Crisis

Borders closing. Food shelves bare. Churches unable to meet. Never in history have we encountered anything quite like what our world is facing. How we respond as Jesus followers says a lot about who we are. As missionaries, will we seize this opportunity to share 

How to Build an Effective Missionary Team

How to Build an Effective Missionary Team

One of my friends has a coffee mug that says, “I don’t like morning people- or mornings- or people.” It brings a smile to my face. Yep. I’ve felt that way before! Some people are terribly difficult to deal with. This can be especially true 

Pursue Excellence Not Perfection

Pursue Excellence Not Perfection

“Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” Have you ever read Matt. 5:48 and thought, “Does God really expect me to be perfect?” He does have a high standard of holiness. Our Father wants us to become like Him. This can feel heavy and impossible. That’s not like our Papa God. How do you know the difference between a desire for excellence (which is healthy), and an unhealthy perfectionism? What does God actually ask of us in this area?

Two Extremes

In missions, we often err in two extremes. Some are legalistic and demanding. They expect an unreasonably high time commitment of themselves and others. On the other extreme, some Christian workers are lazy. They become lax in their work ethic. The quality they expect of themselves is far lower than would be expected in a secular job. Neither of these extremes pleases the Lord.

Excellence with Grace

God wants to teach us to walk in excellence. We give Him our very best effort. He is worthy of that. Our love for Him compels us to do an even better job, than if we were working for a company or human institution. At the same time, we live in the understanding of His great love for us. He is not demanding and freely forgives us when we make mistakes. We too must learn to be gracious with ourselves and others.

Working Too Little or Too Much

My heart was sad as I listened to her share. She described a missionary training center where those living there rarely worked. A quality person, she was passionate about the vision the center professed as their purpose.

The work ethic had gotten lax, however. People received outside support with no accountability. It wasn’t a lot, but their basic needs were met. Days were spent doing routine activities. They maintained the training center- cooking food, cleaning the property, watching their children.

What frustrated my friend was how infrequently they went out to “do ministry.” They only went out once or twice a week for a few hours. No company in the world would stand for this low level of work output. Especially from employees who were having their food and housing provided for them!

Another conversation revealed the opposite. My friend said he woke early for prayer. He ate, showered and left the house. Then, he didn’t return until 11 pm at night. All-day long he was out meeting people, making disciples, visiting the sick, praying for new believers. His busy schedule concerned me. When I asked him about taking a sabbath, it seemed a foreign idea. He and his wife had been in ministry for more than ten years, but had never taken a real vacation.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…

Colossians 3:23 NIV.

Ways to Maintain the Balance

1. Give your best, it’s what God expects.

He gave His very life for us, how could we not do our best for Him? When we take this verse to heart, our work quality and efforts should improve. Be sure that the reason you work so hard or long is because of your love for Jesus. It must not be because you feel God will only love you if you work hard! His love is not earned by your performance. You are already His beloved son or daughter!

2. Establish margins and boundaries in your life.

Sometimes I struggle with this. My passion overtakes common sense. We are created in His image, but we live in human bodies. They get tired and need rest. Our spirits need time to connect with God as well. When we are too busy or working too hard, our intimacy with God dries up. We become fleshy in our thinking instead of being in tune with His Spirit.

Taking a weekly sabbath and setting boundaries for when you will work (even in ministry) is critical. There are emergencies and special seasons when we work more or harder. Those times can’t go on forever though or you will not be able to finish your ministry race well.

3. Recognize perfectionism or performance orientation and seek healing.

If you were raised in a family with demanding authority figures, you could be struggling with performance orientation. Do you struggle to finish tasks? Feel they have to be perfect before you can move on? This is another indicator. Learn about these perfectionist tendencies. Seek counsel and healing.

Striving for excellence is different. You do your best, but realize that mistakes get made and it’s okay. God covers a multitude of our mistakes with His great love. Forgive yourself and others when things don’t go perfectly.

4. Go beyond the normal work ethic of the world.

Most companies around the world expect their employees to work forty hours a week. They expect you to show up on time and be diligent when “on the job.” If you are only going out for ministry a few hours a day, maybe it’s good to re-evaluate.

Would you turn in an assignment to a teacher without editing it first? Why send emails, or create tracts with spelling errors? It’s easy to download free software called Grammarly to help you with making corrections when you write.

Whatever we do in ministry, we represent our Savior. Let’s represent Him with excellence in all we do!

5. Become a student of grace.

Some years ago I read an excellent book by Philip Yancey called, “What’s So Amazing About Grace?”

I recommend it! If performance and perfectionism are a struggle, intentionally study grace this year. Read books about it, do a word study on it, take note of the word grace as you read the Bible. Ask God to teach you what His grace is all about.

His Perfection is Ours

As we pursue a deeper walk with Jesus, His excellence rubs off on us. We become like Him and He is perfect! The verse I started this article with can become a reality. His perfection, not ours. His holiness expressed through us.

How does this tension (excellence vs. perfectionism) look in your life and ministry? Share in the comments below or on the Missionary Life FB group.

Peace be yours as you strive for excellence in all you do!

Do You Feel Like They Don’t Really Listen?

Do You Feel Like They Don’t Really Listen?

“I’ve told him how I feel so many times. It’s like I am talking to a brick wall. Nothing I say sinks in!” These thoughts circled through my mind, making me feel miserable. My husband and I were talking, but definitely not communicating. It was