The Challenge and Privilege of Being a Missionary Father

The Challenge and Privilege of Being a Missionary Father

Pretending to ride a horse on his back, traveling on motorcycles to distant villages and sharing the good news of Jesus with others…these are a few of my memories of dad. The love, affirmation, and acceptance of our fathers is a powerful force in our 

Are You a Door Opener? Effective Leaders Do This!

Are You a Door Opener? Effective Leaders Do This!

When we go on dates, I like my husband to open the door for me. When he walks around and opens the car door, I feel special, loved, and valued. For some people that doesn’t matter much. I guess I am a bit of an 

Circles of Intimacy- Who Do I Share With?

Circles of Intimacy- Who Do I Share With?

What does it mean to live an authentic, transparent life as a leader in ministry?  Who do you share what with?  Is it appropriate for everyone to know the deep challenges you walk through?  Is it somehow false or wrong to “keep secrets” or not 

Doing My God Assignment Today- It’s As Simple As That

Doing My God Assignment Today- It’s As Simple As That

Life can be very complicated. So many needs pull at our attention. There are family needs, ministry needs, and the needs of the poor. The spiritually lost, the needs of those we are discipling, our own needs…it can feel overwhelming. Missionaries are generally compassionate people. 

When You Need To Just Run Through The Pain

When You Need To Just Run Through The Pain

“One more kilometer to go, oh God, please help me do this.” My stomach was cramping from a recent bout with food poisoning. I was weaker than normal, but my heart was set on completing the race. My husband, running alongside me said, “Run through 

How To Move Forward While Struggling With The Language

How To Move Forward While Struggling With The Language

Let’s face it. Not everyone is a gifted language learner. It’s frustrating when your peers seem to race ahead toward fluency. They leave you behind, battling to get a normal sentence out without stuttering. Many very real factors affect our language learning abilities. Things like 

10 Books to Help You Grow and Learn in the New Year

10 Books to Help You Grow and Learn in the New Year

Are you an intentional learner? Your answer is likely yes, or you wouldn’t be reading this! Here is my next question. How will you take your learning to the next level in 2019? One way is to commit to consistently reading books that enrich and 

Is Pressure a Positive or Negative Thing in Missionary Life?

Is Pressure a Positive or Negative Thing in Missionary Life?

“People are feeling pressure.” I hear this from missionaries and leaders sometimes. Or I get an email from someone saying they feel pressurized – especially at the end of the year when reports are due. Others express genuine feelings of being overwhelmed by their work. 

Why We Need Authentic Accountability

Why We Need Authentic Accountability

Recent events at Willow Creek Church have saddened the global Christian community. I considered Bill Hybels one of my mentors from afar. He was a leader to many. I had never met him, but I’d gained much from his books, especially the one called “Courageous 

Living Fruitful in the Mission Field

Living Fruitful in the Mission Field

We all desire to be fruitful in the mission field. What does it take to live a fruitful life? Consider this (slightly foolish) story. The Foolish Goat Farmer A foolish farmer was struggling with her goats. Her flock was getting smaller and smaller. One