When Stress and Worry about Money Threaten Our Missionary Lives

When Stress and Worry about Money Threaten Our Missionary Lives

I lay awake at night thinking about some big bills, yet unpaid. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was overwhelmed by worry about money. There was a tightening in my stomach and a feeling of stress as I pondered. How would we pay the bills? Where would the money come from?

Some people think it is more spiritual to live in poverty or to live hand-to-mouth. What that phrase means is, I only have in my hand what I need to put in my mouth.

That is a very stressful way to live! If we live this way, and disciple others to live this way, we establish something called community poverty.

Different Seasons and Approaches

God may call some people to this lifestyle for a specific purpose or time. Like when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. Most of the Biblical account teaches financial management, planning, and increase. This is called wisdom in God’s Word.

There are different seasons in our ministry, and various approaches to support raising. God may speak different things at different times. One thing we can be sure of. He does not want us to live in fear or worry about money. Living in stress is the opposite of trusting our loving heavenly Father.

Orphan Spirit

I have fostered orphans in the past. Often if a child has not had a loving family, they struggle with hoarding. They may hide food in their bed, or take far more than they can eat. They are fixated on food. Because they have experienced a lack, and not having someone faithful to care for them, they save and hide food.

We should not behave like spiritual orphans. We have a loving Heavenly Father who does care for us. A loved child does not worry if he/she will be fed. He/she may need to work with the parents to grow or cook food, but there is no worry about surviving.

Living in a poverty mentality can come from a faulty understanding or application of Jesus’ teaching. In Matthew 7, He said, “Do not worry about food or clothes, because God knows what you need.”

I have regularly seen how God miraculously provides for His children.

Her Example Challenged Me

For many years, we started churches among people who had no Christian background. Some of these believers wanted to become missionaries. Their unbelieving families did not support them, and their sending church was made up of 4-5 young people. Where would the money come from?

One of these girls, we will call her L.F., was such a witness to me about what it meant to trust God. Although she had no visible means of support, she would ask God what to do, and then follow His instruction. She told me once when she had no money to buy food, she was asking God what to do and was walking along praying. As she walked, she looked down in the gutter and a packet of tissues caught her eye. She felt prompted to pick it up, and as she opened it she found a few 100 notes inside it. She took it to the police station nearby to ask if anyone had lost it. Amazingly the police did not take it for themselves. They told her no one had lost it, and that she should take it. That money was enough for her food and rent for a month!

Maybe you have your own story like that. I have some I could add here. Its important that we remember how God has provided for us in the past when we are struggling with our present. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Trust, Pray, Listen, Obey

L.F. demonstrated that it is possible to trust God to provide. We trust, pray, and then listen and obey Him in detail to “find” where and how He wants to provide for us.

Turn to God with your financial fear and stress. Listen to Him. Jesus said that God cares for the birds. You are far more precious to Him than swallows or parrots. Your Father cares deeply about you.

Consider These Questions if You Worry About Money

  • What do you think about money?
  • What is your greatest stress?
  • What is your greatest desire?
  • What do you see as your role in managing/stewarding your finances?

Be honest with God and share with Him what you are worrying about. Ask Him for His wisdom about what to do.

Do you have a story of God’s guidance or provision? Share it in the comments below or on the Missionary Life Facebook Group! We’d love to hear and be encouraged by your testimony. We will share more on this topic next week so stay tuned!

*This is a guest blog written by RM.