Book Review: Across the Street and Around the World

For years we served in missions before anyone from my husband’s family visited us. We longed for them to come to Nepal and India. Finally, they did. How fun it was to have them meet those we’d discipled and invested in! It’s a joy to make introductions right? Every once in a while I come across a book I want to share with others. In this week’s blog, I’d like to introduce you to a great resource I’m using.
Jeannie Marie, the author of this book, has become a good friend. We are “kindred spirits” as Anne in the popular Netflix series Anne with an E, would say! Much of our background and ministry philosophy is the same.
Let me tell you about her book, Across the Street and Around the World. You are going to want to get a copy!
What It’s About
This book helps readers learn how to reach out to people of other cultures. These lessons are applicable both in your home country and abroad. It is full of great stories of her own interactions with refugees, immigrants, and those from other cultures in the USA. To put it simply, it’s an enjoyable, engaging, and informative read.
She starts in the same place I would – with God’s heart for the nations. Until we understand and allow His heart to become our own, our efforts will fall flat. The rest of Part One moves into specific skills. You’ll find helpful tips on how to be intentional in building cross-cultural friendships with those who don’t yet know Christ.
Until we understand and allow His heart to become our own, our efforts will fall flat.
Part Two takes the reader a further step.
Have you ever heard of MQ? Missionary intelligence, Jeannie calls it.
Anyone preparing for a short-term mission trip will find this section especially helpful. The book describes three types of mission trips. Jeannie writes, “short trips fall into three main categories—vision trips, professional trips, and survey trips.” Knowing that they have different goals and expectations can reduce confusion. You will “spend money more wisely, and increase effectiveness.” We all want that right?
You’ll also read encouraging stories of short-term trips that made a significant positive impact. Not every short-term trip bears lasting fruit on the field. It’s possible though. Across the Street and Around the World helps you discover how.

Lastly, the book explores the idea of a missions calling. How do you know if you are called? What will you need to do to prepare?
In a wonderfully winsome way, Jeannie-Marie equips her readers to fulfill Christ’s command to reach all nations. Each chapter is followed by discussion questions for the individual or group.
I’ve chosen this book to go through with a group from my home church. I’m excited about not only re-reading it myself but working through it with a community of people, applying its lessons in practical ways. I know it will be a lot of fun, while also stretching everyone a bit too.
If you haven’t yet picked up a copy, why not at least read the first chapter and see what you think! It’s offered free here.
A Rare Find
It’s rare I plug a resource quite this strongly on my blog but this book is a rare find. If you buy a copy or have already read it, leave me a message in the comments below or on the Missionary Life Facebook page. I’d love to know what you thought of it. I’d especially enjoy knowing what resulted in your life as you put its message into practice.