Book Review- Practicing the Way

Book Review- Practicing the Way

Jesus is not looking for converts to Christianity; he’s looking for apprentices in the Kingdom of God,” writes John Mark Comer in his book Practicing the Way. This book is a refreshing and insightful encouragement to 1) Be with Jesus, 2) Become like Him, and 3) Do as he did. These three things are in essence what it means to be a disciple.

A Serious Problem

In the book, he exposes a serious issue facing the Church today. “From at least World War II on, in many circles, the gospel was preached in such a way that a person could become a Christian without becoming an apprentice of Jesus.” We have preached a gospel that says, you are a sinner. God loves you. Jesus died on the cross for you. Believe in him and you will go to heaven. This is all true, but it’s an incomplete gospel. It fails to call people to become disciples of Jesus, taking up their cross and following Him.

3 Goals in Practicing the Way

Practicing the Way of Jesus involves three things, writes the author…

  • Being with Jesus
  • Becoming like Jesus
  • Doing what Jesus did

In being with Jesus, we are to learn to practice His presence, acknowledging that He is with us, and learning to become conscious of Him. Contemplative prayer is not about talking. It’s more about silence, solitude, and listening. It is not seeking to get something from God. It’s simply gazing at His beauty and enjoying being with Him.

To be with Jesus, and become like Jesus, takes time, says Comer. Quoting Rich Villodas, he writes, “Our souls were not created for the kind of speed to which we have grown accustomed.” How do we create more space to be with Him?

Practicing the Way

It’s not about doing more, it’s about doing less.

Love is the acid test of spiritual formation,” writes the author. “The most important question to ask as you consider your spiritual growth is, am I becoming more loving?” Do those closest to me notice that I am more loving than I was?

Honest Reflections on Doing What Jesus Did

Comer shares with honesty and vulnerability about his challenges in practicing the way of Jesus. In talking about doing what Jesus did, he identifies three key areas we need to grow in.

  • Making space for the gospel
  • Preaching the gospel
  • Demonstrating the gospel

Making space for the gospel has to do with offering hospitality to strangers, and opening our table for conversations about God. Addressing the Western aversion to “preaching the gospel,” Comer offers both hope and inspiration. “The question is not, Are you preaching the gospel? It is, What gospel are you preaching?” he writes. “Everyone is preaching a gospel.” We talk about what we love.

Comparing it to how much we talk about things like; intermittent fasting, keto diets, politics, or other things, John Mark challenges us to talk about Jesus more freely.

He then writes about the demonstration of the gospel. Jesus did this primarily through healing, deliverance, prophecy, and justice.

Rule of Life

Lastly, Comer shares how to develop a rule of life as we strive to learn how to practice the way of Christ. “A rule of life is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that create space for us to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did, as we live in alignment with our deepest desires. It’s a way of intentionally organizing our lives around what matters most: God.”

For some, this may sound rigid, but it is an ancient practice with great modern benefits.

Years ago, I wrote out a rule of life. This book has me wanting to set aside time to revisit this and create a new rule of life, together with a few others in my community.

I strongly recommend this book! Grab a copy today. I know you will benefit from it.

Do you have a Rule of Life? If so, I’d love to hear about it. Comment below or post on the Missionary Life Facebook group.