Is Your World a Noisy One? 4 Reasons to Practice Silence

Is Your World a Noisy One? 4 Reasons to Practice Silence

Our world is increasingly noisy. I’m not talking about the traffic noise we became used to when living in India. Nor the barking dogs and blaring puja chanting…though that was there too. I’m referring to the noise inside our heads. Finding silence is not easy. 

The Surprising Quality that Takes You from Good to Great Leadership

The Surprising Quality that Takes You from Good to Great Leadership

Moses wrote of himself in the book of Numbers, “Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth.” Has that ever struck you as strange? Humility is not an unwillingness to acknowledge one’s strengths. It is knowing both positive and negative areas, 

Thankfulness- Kissed by God

Thankfulness- Kissed by God

I was surprised and blessed yet again. God loves to give us “kisses.” What does it mean to be “kissed” by God? That is what I call it when He blesses me with a small desire fulfilled, with something I don’t even need and certainly 

How Contagious is Your Hope?

How Contagious is Your Hope?

“10 million Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus. A Cambodian province closes schools after a leader of Hungary visited the country and tested positive. France and Italy report record cases as the virus ravages Europe.” We read these discouraging headlines and wonder if this 

5 Ways to Keep Vision Burning Hot (and Avoid Giving Up)

5 Ways to Keep Vision Burning Hot (and Avoid Giving Up)

Quitting is not altogether bad. There are some things we need to quit. Often, though, we need to persevere. The temptation to “give up and go home” is common, particularly in the first four years of missionary life. The same is true when working on 

3 Important Habits to Deepen Your Intimacy With God

3 Important Habits to Deepen Your Intimacy With God

Intimacy with God must be the constant pursuit of any disciple of Jesus. This is even more true of those of us who want to see Kingdom impact through our lives and ministries. The following article is a guest contribution by Kima Hmar. A dependent 

10 Most Important Qualities of a Cross-Cultural Minister

10 Most Important Qualities of a Cross-Cultural Minister

How did Jesus choose His disciples? They were an unlikely group. Fishermen, a tax collector, a random doctor thrown into the mix. What did He look for in those who would serve alongside Him? Throughout history, God has chosen unlikely people to do His work. 

What To Do When You Feel Spiritually Dry

What To Do When You Feel Spiritually Dry

“Knowing God is about a relationship, not religion,” we tell people. This is true! We believe it. If we are honest, though, there are times when our relationship with God can feel pretty religious. We go through the motions without much connection. Dryness creeps in, 

3 Things to Do When Troubled Times Hit Hard

3 Things to Do When Troubled Times Hit Hard

One day I was teaching in a discipleship school. I got an emergency phone call. The country we were working in was not friendly towards Christians. The police had come and arrested many of my friends. My family and I were under threat. Trouble had 

Do You Hate Simple Formulas, Yet Long to Be Fruitful?

Do You Hate Simple Formulas, Yet Long to Be Fruitful?

In missions (and life), I’m not big on formulas. I’ve found that often A+ B just doesn’t equal C. But in John 15, Jesus gives us a simple answer for how to become more fruitful. Spiritual Rituals Bring Life After returning from a long trip,