The Surprising Quality that Takes You from Good to Great Leadership

The Surprising Quality that Takes You from Good to Great Leadership

Moses wrote of himself in the book of Numbers, “Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth.” Has that ever struck you as strange? Humility is not an unwillingness to acknowledge one’s strengths. It is knowing both positive and negative areas, 

How Do You Know If God Is Calling You to Missions?

How Do You Know If God Is Calling You to Missions?

Do you love to travel and new adventures? Eating new food and seeing new places? Do you find people who are from different cultures fascinating? If you answered yes to any of these things, missions might sound like a dream job to you! Your heart 

10 Most Important Qualities of a Cross-Cultural Minister

10 Most Important Qualities of a Cross-Cultural Minister

How did Jesus choose His disciples? They were an unlikely group. Fishermen, a tax collector, a random doctor thrown into the mix. What did He look for in those who would serve alongside Him? Throughout history, God has chosen unlikely people to do His work. 

5 Barriers That Will Ruin You as a Cross-Cultural Minister

5 Barriers That Will Ruin You as a Cross-Cultural Minister

Reverse culture shock…it’s real. I’d returned to the United States after many years in India. Why do we need to make appointments two weeks in advance to see our friends? When I stop by, why am I not invited in for tea? I felt confused. 

Roots and Foundations: Preparing for Your Calling

Roots and Foundations: Preparing for Your Calling

As we go to new nations and begin ministry there, the idea of fruitfulness is on our minds. We imagine the impact we can have and the lives that will be changed because of us being there. This is a noble thing. We should desire 

Are You Willing to Embrace the Hard With the Good?

Are You Willing to Embrace the Hard With the Good?

Hardship is not a popular topic. “Three Reasons You Should Embrace Suffering,” is probably not going to make a list of best-selling book titles. Yet in our lives as believers, hardship is something we must embrace. Popular Christian preachers tell us God doesn’t want suffering 

How to Overcome the “I Don’t Have” Thoughts in Personal Support Raising

How to Overcome the “I Don’t Have” Thoughts in Personal Support Raising

“I don’t have connections and contacts with people I could raise support from. I don’t know any __________________.” Fill in the blank. Some would say I don’t know pastors. Others would say I don’t know many foreigners. Some would say all my friends are fellow