Three Dangers of Doing God-Sized Tasks With Human Strength

Missionary burn-out is very real. We missionaries are a deeply committed people. We are willing to lay down our lives, do whatever it takes, to see people come to Christ. God regularly asks us, His people, to do things far beyond our own capacity. He never expects us though, to do those things in our own strength! We can only do God-sized tasks with God’s mighty strength.
The Little Engine Story
One of my favorite childhood stories was “The Little Engine that Could.” Published in 1906, it was part of a sermon by Rev. Charles S. Wing. It’s a story about a small train engine that is trying to get to the top of a mountain. As it chugs along, climbing upward, it says to itself, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” The story encourages a “CAN DO” mindset and an optimistic spirit. It’s a good story, beloved by children and teachers around the world.

The problem is this. Sometimes we think we can…but we can’t. The tasks we’ve been given by God require Him to show up and do something far, far beyond us! Optimism and determination are wonderful things. But they are a poor substitute for dependency on God.
The Bible is full of passages about God’s ability to strengthen His people. One of my favorite Old Testament characters is David. David learned how to strengthen himself in the Lord.
“But David found strength in the Lord His God.”1 Samuel 30:6
He did impossible things…things no one believed could be done. He killed a giant, defeated the Philistines, conquered territory and through his son Solomon, build a great temple. He also took things into his own hands at times and paid a high price for it. We can learn from both his success and failures.
Three Dangers of Doing God-Sized Tasks With Human Strength
Danger #1- You might succeed.
What? Is that a danger? Yes, it is. Success can be a grave danger. Sometimes, God allows us to do things in our own ways and in our own strength. Though He longs for us to rely on Him and let His power flow through us, He does not interfere. When we succeed, it is easy to become proud. We worked hard, we worked smart, and look what we did! Time to wave a red flag – major danger approaching. Our success will be short-lived. King Saul took the glory for himself, became proud, and lost the kingdom.
Danger #2- You might fail.
Failure is also a danger. Stepping out in faith to do something beyond ourselves is a risk. God longs to meet us in that place. He wants to show up and do the impossible. He will not take over and lead though unless we give it to Him. The Lord waits for us to surrender, to call out to Him, to lean on Him.
When we strive in our own power, failure is very often the outcome. We then can find ourselves disappointed in ourselves… and also in God. Humans have a natural tendency (all the way back to the Garden of Eden) to blame others for failure. Often, God is the one we condemn. This can cause a distance in our relationship with God. It stunts our spiritual growth and destroys our missionary effectiveness as well.
Danger #3- You might burn out.
If you push yourself too hard, striving in your own strength, the result could be burn-out. There are seasons when we work extra hard, seasons of harvest or times of birthing new ministries. pioneering efforts require much of us. They have to only be seasons though. Continually working long hours without rest is never God’s plan. Weekly sabbaths are vital and show that we are depending on God, not ourselves.
Burn out isn’t worth it. It is costly in so many ways. We must learn instead, to allow His strength to flow into us as we let go and let God.
Are you leaning on Him? As you chug up that mountain?
The little engine in the story said, “I think I can…I think I can.” Maybe a better mantra to repeat as we climb is, “I know God can, I know God can.”
We Will Get There!
With our hope firmly in the Lord, we will reach the top. We will see Father God do what He has promised. All the glory will go to Him alone for we will know it was Him who has accomplished it.
I regularly host a FREE Online Training called “Keys to Having a Kingdom Impact.” God is calling all of us to see greater fruit in His Kingdom. Join me to find out more about how God is using ordinary people to have an extraordinary impact on their regions.