Member Care: Seven S’s for COVID-19

The 7s of Member Care is a tool designed to assist groups to understand how to do member care during this difficult time. Due to the rapid changes within the pandemic of COVID-19, here are suggestions that may be of help to you and your location. Thank you to YWAM’s Member Care Network for allowing me to publish this.
Saviour Care
• Continue to press in spending time with God in the quiet/secret place, reading God’s Word, worship and intercession.
• Seek God in this time: What is He saying? How is He leading? How can you pray?
Continue to look after yourself; physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially.
• Physically: If you are able, go for walks, do exercise, eat well, sleep.
• Emotionally & mentality: find hobbies, keep yourself accountable, find ways to challenge yourself.
• Socially: though it may be impossible to see people in person, stay connected with people, though Skype, and connections through the internet.
Staff Care
- Remember to continue to care and love one another. How can you help those around you: Pray? Encourage? Help in a practical manner?
Shepherd Care
- Leaders are in a crucial position to continue to ask the Lord what to do, how to lead and make decisions. Remember them in prayer as they continue to trust the Lord’s leading.

Structure Care
- In these times structures will have many changes: different areas of ministries will have stopped, schools postponed/cancelled and weekly rhythms changed.
- It is a season to be flexible, continue to seek the Lord, and when it is due time ministries will start again.
Sender-Support Care
- Be in contact with your sender-support network: be honest, keep sending newsletters, communicating with family, friends, social & business groups and support networks.
- Continue to do the practical steps of the COVID-19 guidelines, and seek medical professional help if you have symptoms.
- Know that there are people to talk to if there is a need for counseling support…
Adapted from Elisabeth Pesonen, Seven S’s for COVID19, YWAM Finland, 2020.