Merry Christmas!
It’s Christmas Eve here in Thailand. The sun is about to rise. I’m drinking my morning coffee and gazing at the candle glowing on my living room table. The lights on the Christmas tree flicker. Soon I’ll begin baking and cooking, preparing a special meal for the friends and neighbors who will join us on this special holiday. I’m at peace. His Presence is here in the darkness. His light is coming, as sure as the dawn.
Between Christmas and New Year’s, I’ll be taking some time off to rest, pray, enjoy family time, and ask Jesus what He wants to say to me about His plans for 2022. I hope you will get to take some special time off as well. Rest is important!
But before I sign off my computer and head into the kitchen, I wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. Whether you are at home or abroad this year, may His joy fill your heart. My prayer for you is that your heart would once again know the child-like wonder of this miraculous season. He came! The Messiah has arrived! Our Savior is born!