In missions (and life), I’m not big on formulas. I’ve found that often A+ B just doesn’t equal C. But in John 15, Jesus gives us a simple answer for how to become more fruitful. Spiritual Rituals Bring Life After returning from a long trip, …
Life can be very complicated. So many needs pull at our attention. There are family needs, ministry needs, and the needs of the poor. The spiritually lost, the needs of those we are discipling, our own needs…it can feel overwhelming. Missionaries are generally compassionate people. …
We all desire to be fruitful in the mission field. What does it take to live a fruitful life? Consider this (slightly foolish) story.
The Foolish Goat Farmer
A foolish farmer was struggling with her goats. Her flock was getting smaller and smaller. One after another her goats died off and no new baby goats were born.
Concerned, she asked a wise farmer to come and help her. The foolish farmer told her friend, “I pray for my goats every day. I love them, feed them, and keep them clean. But they aren’t reproducing!”
The wise farmer looked at her friend’s farm. It was beautiful! The goat sheds were spotless and it was obvious the goats had enough food and water. Why weren’t they reproducing?
The foolish farmer told her friend, “I guess it’s not God’s will for me to have a lot of goats. Maybe I should be content and thankful for what I have. After all, I am doing my best.”
“No,” the wise farmer replied. “Goats naturally reproduce. There must be something that needs to change.”
As they went to examine the goat pens, the wise farmer noticed something. The answer was obvious to her. “Why do you keep the male goats in a separate pen from the females? Don’t you realize that if you want goats to reproduce, you need to put the males and females together?!”
Don’t Be Passive About Fruitfulness
Crazy made up story, right? Who would ever be so foolish? Sometimes things that are obvious to others aren’t as clear to us. We all have blind spots in our ministry and lives. That is why we need outside input and help. We also have an enemy that wants to keep us stuck living unfruitful lives on the mission field.
Are there key changes we could make that would bring greater fruit?
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8- NIV
God Gets Glory When We Bear Fruit
Our fruitfulness is connected to God’s glory. He greatly desires us to live fruitful on the mission field- to abide in Him and bear much fruit! He is ready to help us become fruitful. It is His will and He is committed to it.
God isn’t passive about this. He wants the whole earth filled with His glory (Habakkuk 2:14). This only happens as we live abundantly fruitful lives.
Only God can give life. He is the vine. But we have a responsibility to bear fruit. His life flows through us and this happens. I admit this can be quite confusing. If we think about fruitfulness in the wrong way, it can lead to a sense of failure or condemnation. That isn’t God’s desire. Maybe this illustration will help bring a better understanding.
Lessons From The Grapevines
I recently visited Napa Valley. It’s a beautiful place in California where some of the most fruitful, productive vineyards in the world are located. The vines are extremely well cared for. They are closely watched by those who work there.
Grapevines in Napa Valley, CA
My friend showing me the vineyards said, “Nothing about growing grapes here is natural. Every single thing is done with the intention to produce the best grapes possible.”
It struck me. The vineyard owners can’t make the grapes grow. Only God gives life. But the staff in the fields work very, very hard to make sure that they do their part.They are experts in creating the right environment for the vines to be fruitful.
We too can dramatically impact whether our lives and ministries are fruitful. Though only God gives life, we are the ones who bear fruit! As someone said at a conference I recently attended, “Jesus is the vine, but we are the branches. It is the branches that bear fruit, not the vine.”
Grow In Your Fruitfulness On The Mission Field
There are many things to consider as we look at our lives in light of fruitfulness. Multiple things affect our impact on missions. One article can’t examine them all. I’ll be addressing these issues in coming weeks.
Join me on a journey toward greater fruit! I don’t have it all figured out, nor can I claim that my life is the most fruitful one out there. I’ve discovered some keys to increase fruitfulness and seen them work in my ministry. I’ll be sharing about these. I hope you will also share what you’ve been learning about this too. (Always feel free to post comments here on the blog or on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you!)
No Shame Or Performing Allowed!
I know you want to be more fruitful. You wouldn’t be a missionary if you didn’t deeply desire that. In no way do I want you to feel condemned or disappointed in yourself. No shaming is allowed here! If you aren’t seeing the fruit you hope for in your ministry yet, I get it. I’ve been there. It hurts and is a huge source of grief and shame.
Reject the idea that God is less pleased with you if you aren’t seeing hundreds of people saved or a massive impact through your ministry. I know the pain of going back to your supporting friends and churches without much to show. You’re asked questions like, “Have you led anyone to the Lord yet?” It is so incredibly hard to feel the shame of not being able to answer, “Yes!”
What I want to do is to come alongside you. God does indeed want you to be more fruitful than you are right now. No matter where you are at. There is always more He wants to do through us! So don’t give up. Don’t believe lies about yourself, the place you’re working or about your situation.
God’s love for you is absolutely unconditional! He is already pleased with you because you are His child! So don’t go there- to that place of shame and condemnation. At the same time, pursue greater fruitfulness. Keep asking God to show you where you need to change and grow.
Would you pray this simple prayer with me?
“Father, thank you for loving me. I am so glad you don’t look at my “results” to determine whether or not you are pleased with me. Thank you for calling me to the mission field. Thank you for creating me to be fruitful in your Kingdom. Teach me how to be all you desire me to be. Make me fruitful on the mission field, for your glory, God. I believe you will help me. May your name be known and lives changed. I want the earth filled with worship to You. Use me, Lord, to bear much fruit! Amen.”