When Your Money and Your Vision Don’t Match

When Your Money and Your Vision Don’t Match

Big dreams have big price tags! Or so they say. The loud voice in our heads tells us that if we want to do big things, we need to have a lot of money. Without money, we feel powerless. With money in our pocket (or bank account) we feel stronger. This is not the way God works…it’s not the way of the Kingdom. Yet this belief, that to do anything significant, we need a lot of money, often influences our thinking. It affects our actions.

We are strongly influenced by the world’s thinking about wealth. It is natural for us to believe that to do big things, we need big money. That is the way of the world, not the Kingdom of God. God delights in using the weak things (even those who are weak financially) to accomplish His incredible Kingdom purposes.

So often, we believe we need more money… when what we really need is already in our hands. When we offer to God what we possess, our loaves and fish, He multiplies it. In His hands, it is more than enough! Many times, the way God wants to work doesn’t require lots of money. It requires faith, obedience, and creativity.

When a Big Budget Terrified Me

Years ago, God spoke to me about something He wanted to do in Northeast India. God was wanting to release thousands of young people into missions among the unreached.

The Lord made His plan clear. We were to organize a large missions conference. God wanted us to invite thousands of youth from the Christian parts of Northeast India. It was in the Father’s heart to release many new workers into His harvest fields.

This was an exciting vision. I knew it was from the Lord. I also knew it could have a very big price tag.

As I made the tentative budget, it came to more than $40,000 US. I had absolutely zero in my hands at the time. I had never before raised that kind of money. The budget terrified me. How in the world would we be able to come up with that? Maybe it was too much for us.

It required a great deal of faith for me to even start down that path. I knew how weak I was financially and how many miracles God would have to do for this to be possible.

By God’s grace, together with my team, we chose to listen to the Word of the Lord to us. We looked to Him, not to ourselves and our own financial capacity. As we organized and worked toward this goal, God did indeed work miracles. He helped us find amazing deals where the things we purchased were a lot cheaper than normal! The Lord provided in so many unusual ways. During the conference itself, many Northeast Indian individuals and churches gave generously.

At the end of the conference, all our bills were paid and we had money left over! It was indeed a miracle. God had done something incredible through us, even though we had very little money.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Eph 3:20 NLT

3 Don’ts About Money

1. Don’t Let Money Control You, Think Outside the Box

While we must be realistic about money, we can not let it control us. God needs to be in charge, not our bank balance. Are we listening to Him or looking to ourselves and our own strength?

So often, God wants to teach us to think creatively. Many times, the solution is there… it’s just different than what we thought. For example, we may think that to reach an area, we need to hold a big, expensive evangelistic tent meeting. We dream of bringing in a big-name speaker to our area. Could God have a different way of accomplishing the same goal? Maybe He wants to work through local people, empowering them to reach their neighbors in simple ways that cost absolutely nothing!

If we are willing to work differently, to listen to God and seek His ways…His provision will always be there for us.

In what ways are you stuck in your thinking about money? Could there be a different way to accomplish the vision God’s given you? One that doesn’t require money?

2. Don’t Make Decisions Based On Money, Base Them On God’s Word

I have lived and taught this principle again and again. If God has told you to do something, and you’ve had confirmation from your leaders, team, and others…that is what you must base your decisions on. Don’t look first to your bank account, look first to God. What has He clearly said you are to do?

That doesn’t mean we act foolishly or get ourselves into debt. We do take steps of faith and obedience to move ahead with what God has spoken to us.

3. Don’t Look at Possessions as the World Looks, You Have More Than Enough

We must actively resist the world’s mindset which says that wealth makes us powerful and capable. This is not true! God is the one who makes you strong and able to move forward. He is the One who fights for you and enables you. Money can be helpful, but in the Kingdom, it is not always necessary. In fact, sometimes the more money we have, the more headaches and difficulties we encounter!

Let God’s truth penetrate your spirit today. He has given you more than enough to do what He has called you to do. You already have enough, because He is with you. He is enough. God will provide. He will make a way.

Say it out loud with me. “I have more than enough money to do what God wants me to do!” You don’t have to be rich, to be effective in the Kingdom of God. In fact, your lack of money may drive you to do things in a more effective way. Your weakness can become a great strength. Amen?

Even If You Are Not Rich

God has great things ahead for you. He longs to do the impossible through you! When the vision is from God, you can be sure that He will bring it to pass…He will provide all that is needed.

On June 12th and 13th, I am offering a free live training called How to Have a Massive Kingdom Impact: Even if You Are Not Rich, Famous or Super-Talented. Check it out and register here. I’d love to share more with you live and in person via this online training (webinar)! Over and over I have seen God do amazing things through people who didn’t have huge access to financial resources. Join me and let’s learn more about this together!