6 Tips for a Successful and Fun Missionary Life “Race”

Facing trials…again…and again….and again. How do we keep going in the missionary life “race”?
The following is a guest post by Rachel A.
I am a long-term, hopefully, life-long missionary. The race marked out before us is a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve come to understand this.
Many who started the race with me have given up, changed direction or overtaken me. They reached the finish line. The marathon, I’ve learned, is not run on a nice, safe, obstacle-free running track. It is an unknown journey with the only surety being that Jesus is running with me. How do I keep going, and make it through?
6 Tips For a Successful and Fun Missionary Life “Race”
1. Stick close to the forerunner.
Jesus is the One who goes ahead and shows us the path. Never get too busy serving Him and miss being connected to Him. Do you spend far more time ministering to others? Coming to Jesus for answers to ministry questions alone? Make a radical choice to protect your intimate time with H
2. Stick close to your running mates.
We need to have relationships that function well at a deep level. Whether this is family, teammates and other leaders, you need these people. The enemy wants to divide us from deep life-giving relationships. Criticism, selfishness, mistrust or independence, causes us to start to wither inside. My golden rule: make things right quickly. If there are relational problems or misunderstanding, go and sort it out, even if it is painful. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.
3. Know where you are running and why.
If you lose the vision of where you are going, or why you are doing it- distraction quickly sets in. Motivation dries up. We experience disillusionment, feel tired, and bored. The grass on the other side of the fence seems greener. Having a “big picture” from God about what He has called me to, helps me to maintain faith even when I don’t feel like it. I write down the words, pictures, and scriptures He gives me. They are great fuel for prayer.
4. Know that the prize is worth the effort.
I love going to the market to bargain. You clearly see how much something is worth to you, rather than just having a flat price. If the seller is demanding too high a price and what you are buying seems not worth it to you, you walk away. It’s the same in life. Keep a good eye on the prize. It is easy to let success in ministry, numbers or goals, become a prize. These will inevitably not satisfy. Make sure the prize is an eternal, unshakeable one- Jesus H
5, Know what’s normal and where to get help.
Feeling pain in the race or sometimes wanting to quit is normal. Being stretched further than you ever thought possible is also normal. Failure, disappointment, and periodic loneliness are normal. Get prayer, ask for help, and learn from others through the books they’ve written. Let yourself cry, and pour out all the “stuff” – don’t bottle it all inside.
If these emotions describe your daily “normal”, stretching on for months, get help. We were never meant to be titanium people. Sometimes in the mission field, we face more stress, loss, or trauma in a month than others face in years. Ask for help. Talk to some member care people, a counselor, your doctor, your pastor, somebody… you are not alone.
6. Enjoy the journey.
Life is meant to be joyful and fulfilling. Being a follower of Jesus should be something that is attractive, not sour. I find reflecting on God’s generosity and kindness frequently so helpful. Asking myself what am I thankful for today, and praying it out back to Him. When in pain, I ask God to help me see things from His perspective. I open my eyes to see the little love gifts He daily gives. Scrolling back through past photos reminds me of all the ways He has been with me. It gives me great joy and expectation for the rest of the race.
Let’s not give up, but know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. His Kingdom, like every part of His creation, is made up of many different components contributing their part. You are part of His body, His