
Keeping Your Ministry Secure in a Rapidly Changing Age

Keeping Your Ministry Secure in a Rapidly Changing Age

We all depend on the instant modes of communication the Internet provides us today. As missionaries, we can quickly connect with new donors, send updates, and collaborate on projects. We can even share our faith online. Is this safe? After you have been on the 

Wisdom and Boldness- Living in the Tension

Wisdom and Boldness- Living in the Tension

“The police are raiding our offices,” said the Whatsapp message. “I got a phone call yesterday. We are under investigation,” another leader fearfully announced. The same day, a different leader sent me pictures. They were distributing thousands of gospel books at a religious festival in 

3 Steps For Developing Great Financial Support

3 Steps For Developing Great Financial Support

“Soon I will be going home. I am excited to see family, but I am dreading the support-raising part of it. I really need God’s help to get into the right mindset.” These words flowed out of my friend’s mouth a month or so ago. The task of gaining financial support for your ministry in the mission field can really be a challenge.

Most missionaries feel like my friend at times. Some people experience such a dislike for raising support they delay going back home. Others go home but return to the field with barely enough to make ends meet. Why is fundraising so difficult?

At the root of this issue is the way we think about raising support.

Missionaries need good financial support. It helps us to be faithful, fruitful and fulfilled on the mission field.

Changing Our Thinking

Fundraising doesn’t have to be difficult if we change our mindset.

This missionary task is part of the joyful life God has called us to. We must learn to see it that way! When you share about missions and the ministry you do, God deeply uses you to impact others’ lives. Christians in your home area need to hear about your missions vision. They need to partner with you and give to your missions vision more than you need them to! Helping you gives them a chance to obey Christ’s Great Commission. As we change our way of thinking about this, fundraising becomes easier. We get much better results too.

Feeling Like A Well Trained Beggar

Last year I taught a group of South Asian national missionaries about developing ministry partners. One of them, an Indian man in his 40s, had been hesitant to come to the training. A few years before he had attended a similar training. Afterward, he had tried to raise support. But he still struggled to buy his food and pay his most basic of bills. My heart went out to him. He truly was suffering in the area of finances. There was never enough.

Curious, I asked him what the previous training had been like. I wanted to understand what he had tried to do in the area of fundraising. Then I could better help him.

“We learned how to make profiles and prayer cards. I created a list of all the possible contacts I could share my ministry vision with. We even practiced doing that. But it didn’t work. I didn’t even get one new supporter!”

That sounded hard. I wondered what had gone wrong. It seemed like he had learned some good skills.

Then he said something that opened my eyes to what the real problem was. “I felt like a well-trained beggar,” he said. Sadness and shame were evident on his face as he said it.

financial support
“I felt like a well-trained beggar,” he said.

God never asked us to be beggars and it’s not part of our missionary call! We are sons and daughters of the King. How horrible that he felt that way in this aspect of his missionary life. Sadly many, many missionaries feel the same as him.

Over the next few days of training, this man experienced a major shift in his mindset. He wasn’t begging people to help him financially. Instead, he was inviting them to become partners with him in reaching the unreached. He was giving them a chance to give, pray and take part in making disciples as Jesus had commanded.

With this changed mindset, after the training, in only a few weeks, he more than doubled his support.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV

God desires those He calls to the mission field to have enough to live in a financially healthy way. We may not become rich. I am not saying there won’t ever be times where we need to “tighten our belts” and be very careful with our money. But we can’t afford to allow our struggles with finances to cause us to be distracted from the main work God has called us to. We must pursue solutions in this area.

If finances is an area you are having difficulties, don’t stay stuck there. Do something to move forward. Here are some steps that can help.

Steps to Moving Forward in Raising Financial and Ministry Partners

1) Determine to change your mindset.

First, address the issue of feeling like a beggar if that is there. Bill Johnson of Bethel Church says, “You can’t afford to think thoughts about yourself that God doesn’t think about you.” If you have thought of yourself as a beggar, repent. Ask God’s forgiveness.

2) Decide to do what you can do.

When we get stuck in a poverty mindset, we see ourselves as helpless. We then look to others to do this part of the job for us. When leaders or rich friends don’t come through in raising support for us, we get discouraged. Sometimes we even get bitter toward them.

Stop blaming others for a problem that God can help you solve. God wants to help you find a solution to your financial issues together with Him!

He will show you the way forward if you determine to do what you can do. Don’t look to people from richer nations or to wealthy relatives alone for help. Often the most faithful supporters and ministry partners are people of little means. They give a small amount but are consistent and faithful in providing financial support for your vision.

3) Equip yourself for the task of raising financial support.

If you have never had training in how to raise ministry partners, I recommend you get some. There are many great courses offered by different organizations at various locations. I hope one day soon we will be able to offer an online course on this.

If you’d like to be put on a list of those who will be notified when that is offered, use the form at the bottom of this post. If a lot of people sign up, we will definitely make it a higher priority to get this developed and available soon.

In the meantime, if you fill out the form, I will send some things to help you. You’ll get summaries of good books on this topic and a few other resources too.

4. Get started now.

Don’t wait and just hope things will get better. That is not faith. Faith almost always demands action on our part. Take a step forward.

What can you do?

-Sign up for info about the future online course we will offer.
-Research options for fundraising training in your area.
-Download a book about how to raise ministry partners (sign up and we will send you a list).
-Find a mentor or coach for this area of your life.
-Pray and ask God what He wants you to do to move forward.

What is one thing you will do this week to develop better financial support?

Feel free to ask questions or share your comments on the Missionary Life Facebook page. Or contact me via Twitter.

Are You Willing to Embrace the Hard With the Good?

Are You Willing to Embrace the Hard With the Good?

Hardship is not a popular topic. “Three Reasons You Should Embrace Suffering,” is probably not going to make a list of best-selling book titles. Yet in our lives as believers, hardship is something we must embrace. Popular Christian preachers tell us God doesn’t want suffering 

Ants, Saving, and the Promises of God for Missionary Finances

Ants, Saving, and the Promises of God for Missionary Finances

When I was starting out as a missionary, I was quite concerned about my finances. This is a word that God spoke to me: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made 

A New Year’s Exercise for Those God Calls Friends

A New Year’s Exercise for Those God Calls Friends

How does God see us? Often, as highly motivated missionaries, we view ourselves in terms of our work/ministry. Success or failure in that area is a big deal.

He Calls Us Friends

Jesus said to his disciples, “I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 NIV.

God cares for us as friends, not just what we can do or produce. To grow in friendship with God, we must make time to be with Him, not talking about work, but opening my life and heart to Him.

We have all gone through times of distress in the last year.

Things have not happened the way we expected. There was loss, sickness, or loneliness. Many have longed for 2020 to be over so they could put it all behind them.

Maybe last year was a year where you look back and think; what have I accomplished, or done for God? Has it been a waste of a year?

The sorrow of this past year should not be wasted or buried.

We can take the pressing and squeezing of us as “grapes” and let it produce wine. How can we do that?

It is a matter of perspective, processing, and growth.


In Hebrews 12, the writer instructs us to look at hardship as discipline. We shouldn’t look at all that has happened as God with a big stick using it to beat us. Instead, we can see it more as an opportunity to be trained.

I have a son who is into body-building. He has to submit himself to discipline/training and coaching even when his muscles are aching.

New Year Exercise
Muscles ache during weight training

Your perspective of hardship and discipline will either lead you into doubting God’s goodness or growing in wisdom and godliness.

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children… God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.”

Hebrews 12:7,11-13 NIV

First, recognize that even painful things have a purpose as we grow from them. God is still our loving Father, and through it all he is training us, strengthening us to overcome.


How can we process? How can we be trained by what we have gone through? Processing takes reflection, thinking, and facing what has happened.

Here is a simple exercise that could help you process and unpack the last year.

You will need; 1-2 hours time, paper, and some different color pens. A Bible, your calendar, notebooks, or photos from the last year to jog your memory could be helpful too.

First, you are going to reflect, and remind yourself what actually happened this year. Unpack the events, relationships, thoughts, and feelings of the last year.

Two options of how to do this.

  • Make a circle cut into 12 segments- one for each month. Or…
  • Make a little chart with the month of the year on the horizontal axis.

Put the positive things above the line, and negative things below. You can show the degree/severity of the event depending on how high or low you place it

Use a different color for each.

Write in the points for each month:

• good highlights that happened.

• all the painful/ negative things.

• the names of any significant people/relational things that happened in that month.

Pick another color for dominating thoughts you were having during the year. Write them down in that month. What were the questions that came to you during those times? Write them down.

Use a couple of different colors to depict different feelings you were having. Be as honest as you can remember. Try and cover the feelings of anger, fear, guilt/shame, sadness. If possible, write what was triggering those feelings in that color.


What are new things you learned from your experiences, “life lessons,” or new skills?

What has God been saying to you? As you look back on your year, and wait on God ask God for his perspective of your year. What does He want you to see?

What is one way you changed this year? Emotionally, physically, spiritually?

Talk to him about the questions you have had. Ask him for revelation and understanding.

Pray about the feelings you had. Ask him to forgive, comfort, or strengthen you.

Talk to God about the major relationships from this year. Give thanks, forgive, or make plans about how to restore, or work on, any important relationships that are not healthy or you have been absent in.

Try to write down three things you learned from this year that you will take forward with you into the future. Maybe make some new mottos. These are short sayings you can write and stick on your wall to remind yourself of. Allow yourself to be “trained” by what you have gone through.

Lastly, looking forward. Are there any “straight paths” you can make for yourself? Habits you can start? Or situations you can choose to engage or avoid?

As you look forward, what relationships do you need to invest in? Connections you want to strengthen? How will you do that?

I pray this exercise will strengthen you for all that is coming ahead in these turbulent times.

Any new mottos for the year? Share in the comments below or on the Missionary Life Facebook group.

The above blog was written by guest author. R.M.

When I’m Not Where I Want to Be – Life in Exile

When I’m Not Where I Want to Be – Life in Exile

My husband stopped counting. Not me. This was the seventh time we’d rebooked our flights. I felt angry and a bit depressed. Would we never get to return home? Living in exile isn’t easy. Whether physical or other, I often find myself not quite where 

Why Laying Down Power is More Powerful

Why Laying Down Power is More Powerful

Has God called you to bring about change? Likely you responded to God’s call and a need when you decided to go to the mission field. I did! My heart burned with a passion to take the gospel to the places where it had not 

Will Trauma on the Mission Field Lead to Further Loss?

Will Trauma on the Mission Field Lead to Further Loss?

Missionary adventures can turn into tragedy. Our journey usually starts with tremendous excitement. We are ready to take on great challenges for God’s Kingdom’s sake. Then, as the months and years go by, we often encounter circumstances far different from what we expected. Coup d’etats, evacuations, losing our visas, persecution, death, martyrdom, sickness, kidnappings…these things happen to us on the mission field. When they do, we must learn to reach out for help.
Not all mission agencies provide quality debriefing to those on the field who suffer trauma. Many missionaries work independently, or are sent out by a church. Senders may have little understanding of how to care for those who suffer trauma on the mission field. If that is your situation, you must take responsibility to get the help you need. Don’t delay.
If you and your children have faced a traumatic experience on the mission field, reach out for help to care professionals. Don’t try to handle things on your own. Tragedy doesn’t need to lead to further tragedy.

Soldiers at Our Door

Below is an excerpt from my book (to be released next year), Encountering God in the Wild Places
We couldn’t go to school that day. “The president has been shot,” our parents said. According to rumors, a soldier in the army named Samuel K. Doe was drinking with a group of buddies. One of them had a key to the armory. He and his friends decided to march on the presidential palace. The soldiers shot the president and took over the country.
There was much more to the story. That was how I remember it being explained to us. When my parents told me of the coup, I had little comprehension of the devastation it would cause. What mattered most in my twelve-year-old mind was that we were off of school. The gravity of what was happening didn’t sink in very deeply at first.
For us, a “coup day,” as we came to call them, was not much different than a snow day for a kid in Minnesota. We were happy to get to stay home and goof off, rather than study. Days turned into weeks, and our school would reopen briefly only to close again a few days later. Though only in middle school, I began to realize more was at stake.
One day, my mom picked my brother and I up in the car.
A soldier stepped into the road, in front of our car; his hand held up in a signal to stop. It was common at the time for military personnel to commandeer any car they saw out and about. Many people were losing their vehicles. My brave mother thought fast. She boldly offered to take him wherever he wanted to go. Then he wouldn’t need to take our car away!
The man slipped into the back seat. He sat down, placing his big gun on the seat next to me. I was both intrigued and terrified! We made it home that day, vehicle still in our possession. I went back to playing basketball, fooling around with my games and monkey. I definitely knew things were not business as usual though.
Further incidents happened over the next few days. One morning, a group of soldiers marched through our neighborhood. Reaching the first house, they went into the house across the street. From inside, I heard screams as gunshots fired.
I wasn’t certain what was going on, but I knew our house was next in line. The soldiers were methodically going from house to house looting. They stole anything of value and had their way with any women they found in the homes.
After finishing at the house across the street, the men exited. They moved in our direction. Peeking out the windows, I prayed with the rest of my family for God’s protection. A group of neighbors gathered in the street and talked with the soldiers. We overheard them saying, “These are good people. Don’t bother them.”
After some discussion, the men, dressed in army fatigues, decided to move on. They continued down the street, choosing to skip our house, moving on to raid other less fortunate homes.
This was a terrifying experience. I was only twelve.
At the same time, I knew, God was with us. He was protecting and taking care of my family. The experiential knowledge of God as my Protector merged with the trauma of having been in such a risky situation. This dichotomy formed a foundational stone of understanding in my life.

Debriefing Helps

I needed debriefing. At the time, none was available.
For years afterwards, I suffered the affect of these events. It was only in adulthood, when a missionary myself, I sought help and healing from my childhood trauma. Don’t wait that long!
If you or your family have suffered a visa crisis, an arrest, sexual abuse, an evacuation, death, or other events, you do not have to be tough. Seek help.
As missionaries, we tend to think we are stronger than normal people. “Suck it up and do what needs to get done,” we think. Later we pay the price. Or our families do. Or it comes out in our health.

4 Ways to Get Help and Debriefing

1. Contact a missionary counseling center.

Below are links for counseling centers that offer debriefing and counseling.

2. Read articles, books and use online resources.

Here are some links I recommend for help with member care issues.
There are also many helpful books for those who have suffered a traumatic event.  Here are two books that can be of help to you.  They are available on

3. Reach out to other missionaries who have faced similar trauma.

If there is no counseling center nearby, don’t isolate. Reach out to other missionary friends for help. Often, when we return to our home country, people don’t understand what we have been through. Make use of your missions community. Ask for prayer and share what you are feeling and experiencing.
Don’t have a community? Feel free to reach out to other missionaries via the Missionary life Facebook group. Post a question there about your situation and ask where you can get counsel or prayer for yourself or your family.
Don’t let pride stand in the way of reaching out for help when you need it.

4. Take a break and seek professional counsel.

Several times in our missionary career, we have needed to stop our frontline work. We have taken an extended break to recover from traumatic events. This is not failure, it is wisdom. It shows strength, not weakness, to seek help from professionals. Many Christian counselors are ready and willing to minister to you.
It may cost money, but you are worth it! God will provide as you seek the help you need. This has been true for me and my family time and time again.

5. Don’t be too proud to take medication when recommended.

There is a great stigma associated with the use of medication to help with anxiety, PTSD or depression. This should not be the case. There is nothing unspiritual about taking prescribed medication. It can help you overcome the affect on your brain, serotonin levels in your body, etc.
Refusal to take recommended medication can greatly delay recovery. If your doctor or therapist suggests this, don’t be ashamed to agree to it. This can help you return to effective ministry (and life) as quickly as possible.

Have You Suffered Trauma on the Mission Field?

If this article relates to you or someone you know, take action today. Get help. Reach out. God doesn’t want you stuck and sick. Care is available for you and your family.
What other member care options do you know of? Share links or options in the comments below or on the Missionary Life Facebook group.
5 Things About Finding the Best Ministry Partners

5 Things About Finding the Best Ministry Partners

“I love missionary life and doing ministry, but I hate the fund-raising aspect of it!” These are common feelings for many on the mission field. I’ve definitely had them too! We have to change our mindset. Developing ministry partners can be fun and exciting. It