Do You Need to Have a “Crucial Conversation” With a Team Member?

Do You Need to Have a “Crucial Conversation” With a Team Member?

Paul Akin, of the Gospel Coalition, writes this. “The most common reason missionaries go home isn’t due to lack of money, illness, terrorism, homesickness, or even a lack of fruit or response to the gospel. Regretfully, the number one reason is a conflict with other 

Is Your Team’s Spiritual Gift Mix a Delight of Unique Flavors?

Is Your Team’s Spiritual Gift Mix a Delight of Unique Flavors?

Some flavors go together well. Others just don’t. Like lemongrass and coconut milk in Thai food. They complement each other and are delicious. Or palm butter and rice. Yum! But when you put minced chicken with ice cream it just doesn’t work, right? My husband 

How to Have a Resilient, Healthy, Cross-Cultural Team

How to Have a Resilient, Healthy, Cross-Cultural Team

When Jesus called His disciples, He called them to serve together as a group, not as individuals. He gathered a team of twelve men and sent them out two by two. Though most of them were fishermen, each of them was unique in personality, character, 

5 Ways to Love Emotionally Unhealthy People

5 Ways to Love Emotionally Unhealthy People

It’s a bit of a cliché, but it’s true. Wounded people wound others. When someone lashes out at you in an extreme way, it is likely more their issue than yours. We need the wisdom to know how to love emotionally unhealthy people. I wish 

How to Build an Effective Missionary Team

How to Build an Effective Missionary Team

One of my friends has a coffee mug that says, “I don’t like morning people- or mornings- or people.” It brings a smile to my face. Yep. I’ve felt that way before! Some people are terribly difficult to deal with. This can be especially true 

Have a Team Member With a Super “Unique” Personality?

Have a Team Member With a Super “Unique” Personality?

Ego-centric, direct, domineering, controlling, independent, critical…that list sounded down-right nasty to me. I didn’t want to be a “D” personality! I promptly decided I disliked personality tests. No one was going to put a label on me as to what personality type I had. Decision 

Cultural Diversity: An Unsurpassed Opportunity or Challenge

Cultural Diversity: An Unsurpassed Opportunity or Challenge

“We are from the same country, but I am in a cross-cultural marriage!” my friend declared. He was from one part of the country that was very conservative. His wife was from another that was quite liberal. Understanding cultural differences is important, for teams and 

5 Primary Struggles in Missionary Teams (and How To Solve Them)

5 Primary Struggles in Missionary Teams (and How To Solve Them)

Missionary teams go through hard seasons. Disagreements, leadership crises, or a high turnover of staff can leave everyone feeling insecure. Or, you might experience a major traumatic event that shakes everyone’s foundations. Another difficulty can be when there is a lack of focus or momentum. 

Which is Most Important – Task or Relationships?

Which is Most Important – Task or Relationships?

Balance. This word is important but over-used. It’s not balance we need. We need wisdom to live in the tension of seemingly opposite values with equal importance. This is a skill effective leaders develop. How can you be both good at completing tasks and also 

How Do We Embrace Diversity in Missionary Teams?

How Do We Embrace Diversity in Missionary Teams?

In our day, we frequently hear the words inclusion, diversity, and equality. Should missionary teams also be like that? Were Jesus and Paul ahead of their times in developing diverse, multi-ethnic, teams made up of both genders? Much of what we see in the world