Living faithful, fruitful and fulfilled on the mission field
March 3, 2023
How to Build an Effective Missionary Team
One of my friends has a coffee mug that says, “I don’t like morning people- or mornings- or people.” It brings a smile to my face. Yep. I’ve felt that way before! Some people are terribly difficult to deal with. This can be especially true when those people are on your team!
Team conflicts are a great source of stress in the lives of missionaries. It is not easy to develop a group of people who are all on the same page, or who get along with each other well. How do you find those who are willing to stay committed to the tasks? It is not easy! Great missionary teams are possible though.
You may not have a good team right now, but you can. Father God designed us to work in teams. It is His will to help you create a wonderful team that works well together toward a truly God-given vision. If you do your part, God will also do His. He will lead you to that place of unity, blessing, and fruitfulness.
It Could Have Failed Completely
I’ve worked on some awesome teams! It brings great joy when we function together in unity. It is wonderful to pursue the passions God has put in your heart together with a group of close friends. We celebrate victories together. We stand together in battles and defeats. It’s a gift from God when this happens!
I was worked on a team preparing to host a training. We delegated various responsibilities. One person was in charge of arranging the venue. Others booked the speakers. We arrived at the location a few days before the training was going to start. About fifty people had registered. As a team, we went to the place that was arranged for the conference. We wanted to take a look.
It was a mess! The building was still under construction! There was glass and cement everywhere. The rooms didn’t have windows on them. There were no beds for people to sleep on. Everything was terribly filthy. The biggest problem was there was only one functioning toilet! What would we do?
We pulled together as a team! Instead of blaming the person who set up the venue, we decided it was our job to fix this together. We jumped in and cleaned, organized, purchased needed supplies and worked for long hours! By the time the training began, we were ready. In spite of the venue challenges, the training went well. Amazing fruit came from it. What could have been a total flop, was a success. That is the power of a unified team.
Two Are Better Than One
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.” NKJV
5 Keys To Building An Awesome Missionary Team
1. To build a great team: you need crystal clear, compelling vision.
I’ve watched a lot of teams struggle because they don’t really know what it is that they are working together for. Their vision is fuzzy. Each team member’s understanding of the vision is quite different. Consequently, it is easy for them to be pulling in different directions. Conflict and frustration are the results. We waste a ton of time this way!
I hate long meetings figuring out the team vision statement. Ugghh! But this process is critical to the team’s success. It doesn’t have to be tedious. You can make it fun and inspiring. It needs to happen though.
Does your team have a clear, compelling vision?
2. To build a great team: you need the right people.
Jim Collins writes about this in his well-known leadership book, Good to Great. It is almost impossible to build a great team with the wrong people. If you are starting a new team, carefully select who you invite to be a part. If it is an existing team, you may need to release some people to move on to other things. This can be tricky but is important.
A great team is made up of people who are passionately committed to the vision before you. If some team members are not on board with the vision or are constantly causing division, you will have to find a way to get them to leave. Once you have the right people, the rest is much easier.
3. To build a great team: you must know yourself.
A good leader is self-aware. Know your strengths and weaknesses well. Focus your energy on the things you do best. That won’t be everything! Find others who have different personalities and strengths. Doing this serves the overall goal. Recruit people who are strong in your weak areas. With the right people on board, there is synergy and progress. You can delegate tasks and move forward fast.
4. To build a great team: it takes time.
We all like things that are instant. Building a great team doesn’t happen overnight. Finding the right people, clarifying your vision, learning to work together – it’s a slow process. Sacrificing the time to build your team is a worthy investment.
5. To build a great team: pray a lot!
Like everything else in our lives and ministry, to develop a great team we need God’s help. We need to know who to invite on to our team. How to encourage some people to move on, also requires great wisdom. We need divine appointments to meet the right people- those co-workers who will fit well with our team. This all happens as we pray.
Whether you are struggling with your current team or starting a new team, make strengthening your team a matter of daily prayer. Set aside time to listen to God’s direction about this. Get away on a half day retreat and make the team your focus.
Before Jesus chose his disciples, He spent the whole night in prayer. As we faithfully ask God for a great missionary team, He will give it.
Next Steps?
What will you do today to move forward in developing an awesome missionary team? Start with one specific action this week. Then continue to take further steps. Before you know it, the team you desire for will be in place.
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