How to Overcome the “I Don’t Have” Thoughts in Personal Support Raising

How to Overcome the “I Don’t Have” Thoughts in Personal Support Raising

“I don’t have connections and contacts with people I could raise support from. I don’t know any __________________.” Fill in the blank. Some would say I don’t know pastors. Others would say I don’t know many foreigners. Some would say all my friends are fellow 

4 Things to Remember When You Have Nothing Left To Offer

4 Things to Remember When You Have Nothing Left To Offer

Looking to our own resources and abilities can be discouraging. The task seems so big. We seem small. When I was young, I thought I could take on the world. As I’ve grown older, life’s experiences have taught me how fallible I am. Apart from 

Missionary Support Letters- Are They Effective?

Missionary Support Letters- Are They Effective?

He came to the fundraising training discouraged. There had been numerous attempts to raise funds. All had failed. Hope was not high, but he still came. Would this missionary support raising training work for him? His spoken English was fine, but writing in English was 

When Your Money and Your Vision Don’t Match

When Your Money and Your Vision Don’t Match

Big dreams have big price tags! Or so they say. The loud voice in our heads tells us that if we want to do big things, we need to have a lot of money. Without money, we feel powerless. With money in our pocket (or 

What Does It Cost to Make My Vision a Reality?

What Does It Cost to Make My Vision a Reality?

Do you know how much money you need each month, and what you spend most of your money on? If you answered no to any of the above questions, you probably don’t have a working plan for finances. This is part of our discipleship, growth, 

6 Ways to Grow a Strong Relationship With Your Sending Church

6 Ways to Grow a Strong Relationship With Your Sending Church

Mission work often attracts mavericks. The challenge, the adventure of going to a far off and difficult place, it inspires pioneer types. Not every missionary has a maverick personality, but many do. These character qualities are a great help in the boldness and tenacity needed 

3 Steps For Developing Great Financial Support

3 Steps For Developing Great Financial Support

“Soon I will be going home. I am excited to see family, but I am dreading the support-raising part of it. I really need God’s help to get into the right mindset.” These words flowed out of my friend’s mouth a month or so ago. 

5 Things About Finding the Best Ministry Partners

5 Things About Finding the Best Ministry Partners

“I love missionary life and doing ministry, but I hate the fund-raising aspect of it!” These are common feelings for many on the mission field. I’ve definitely had them too! We have to change our mindset. Developing ministry partners can be fun and exciting. It 

Worth Investing in? Fundraising Principles

Worth Investing in? Fundraising Principles

True or False: Fundraising is an important priority for a missionary. Do you believe this? Or is it rather an added nuisance to our lives as field workers? If you ask those serving to answer this question honestly. You’ll get a wide variety of answers. 

3 Tips for Effective Communication in Missionary Fundraising

3 Tips for Effective Communication in Missionary Fundraising

Have you ever needed money for a ministry project and not had it? Maybe you’ve struggled with daily needs like food, housing, or paying for your kid’s schooling. Financial challenges drain energy and affect fruitfulness on the mission field. They are common to most of