“Knowing God is about a relationship, not religion,” we tell people. This is true! We believe it. If we are honest, though, there are times when our relationship with God can feel pretty religious. We go through the motions without much connection. Dryness creeps in, …
How do you share the gospel effectively with Buddhists? We have been posting recently on how to communicate the gospel to people of other religions. This week’s post is written by Jay Judson. He has seen thousands of Buddhists come to Christ. Through his team, …
One day I was teaching in a discipleship school. I got an emergency phone call. The country we were working in was not friendly towards Christians. The police had come and arrested many of my friends. My family and I were under threat. Trouble had hit us hard.
I felt like my world had flipped upside down.
The words of Jesus ”when they persecute you in one town flee to another” echoed in my heart. As we packed up and scattered, I wondered what the future would hold.
Maybe you feel the same way. When you look to the future it is dark and unknown.
What can we do in troubled times like these?
1. Cling to God
I remind myself of who He is and that He is with me. Everything else will shake, but He remains secure.
Listen to His word or promise for that situation. Pray it out until it becomes a reality.
Earlier this year I heard a very serious diagnosis from the doctor. Immediately a scripture came straight to my mind. “I will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord”. Ps 118:17. I prayed that scripture over myself. I also shared it with others asking them to pray for me too, until the situation resolved.
Pour out your heart to God. Pouring out the fear, pain, grief, and confusion into His listening ear can help to remove the stress from our souls. Then pause to listen to His words of comfort and assurance. This brings healing. “Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.” Lam 2:19
2. Look for God’s way forward.
As a child, I read the autobiography of Maria Von Trapp whose story inspired the movie “The Sound of Music”. Her family had to flee from the Nazis in the Second World War. When she went to ask for counsel for what to do, she was told “When God shuts the door He opens a window.” God will not abandon us. Look to Him for His creative solutions.
“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Cor 10:13.
3. Rise and shine.
Everyone can have the appearance of hope and joy when life is easy. It is in times of great testing that the reality of Jesus and our hope in Him can shine out brightly for all to see. This is a time of witness.
Another book I also read as a teenager is called “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.” It is a book full of short testimonies about martyred Christians from history. The light shining out of their lives and love for God still burns bright today, centuries later.
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” 1 Cor 15:57
As disciple makers and missionaries, we must learn and teach that suffering is part of the walk of every Christian. In fact, persecution and trouble are to be expected. Jesus tells us: “In this world, you shall have trouble.” But then he follows it up with a statement that we should be living out today, no matter what we face: “But take heart, I have overcome the world”. Jn 16:33.
What stood out to you in the article above? Share in the comments below or on the Missionary Life Facebook Group.
“Flex!” the team leader said loudly. My friend, Tim, led many short-term mission trips. Flex is his favorite word. When we received teams he was leading, we noticed this word used often. Learning how to be flexible, being willing to adapt, and able to adjust, …
In missions (and life), I’m not big on formulas. I’ve found that often A+ B just doesn’t equal C. But in John 15, Jesus gives us a simple answer for how to become more fruitful. Spiritual Rituals Bring Life After returning from a long trip, …
My heart pounded as I approached the immigration line. What would they say? Would I be allowed to enter the country? Would my bags be searched? I’d shared my testimony with someone on the plane feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit. Had I been courageous or stupid?
Trying to act like a relaxed, carefree tourist wasn’t easy. I knew they could pull me aside and interrogate further. Silent, but fervent prayers, went up to Heaven.
I thought to myself, “I’m not feeling very bahadur right now!” Bahadur is the Nepalese word for brave. It is the middle name of many Nepalese men. Tik Bahadur, Man Bahadur, Ram Bahadur these are some of my friend’s names.
Nepalese make amazing Gurkha soldiers because of their bravery. The British army has hired them as mercenaries for years. They are fearless in battle. It is also why they make great missionaries. God is redeeming that beautiful aspect of who the Nepalese people are and using it for His glory. Not only Nepalis need to be bahadur. Any effort to complete the Great Commission requires courage, boldness, and faith.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome anxiety. It’s that willingness to step out of the boat and walk with God on water. Courageous faith forces us tokeep walking when we seem to be sinking and fast. Without courage, boldness, and faith, you will not live a fulfilling life on mission with God. These three things must be actively cultivated in our lives.
Strength Training
I was doing a YouTube weight training workout recently. Don’t be too impressed. My weights are 1 kilo, 3 kilos and 5 kilos. Strength training is important, even if you start small. It helps with muscle tone as you get older, or so I am told!
Back to my topic. As I was doing the workout, the trainer said something that caught my attention. As you lift the weights, focus your mind on the muscle you are using. The muscle you think about as you lift the weights is the one that will grow.
Lying on the mat, weights in my hands, I focused on my muscles. Groaning, I pushed my arms into the air yet again.
Hmm. What you focus on as you push yourself grows stronger. Could that be true of our faith as well?
In Acts fourteen, Paul and Barnabas were ministering in a place called Iconium. They initially saw a lot of fruit. It says, “a great number of Jews and Greeks believed.” Not long after, there was a backlash. Some who refused to believe their message stirred up others against them. What had started well, looked like it might end in disaster. Paul and Barnabas, however, didn’t run away. They didn’t give up. It says they spent considerable time in that place and spoke boldly. God showed up and confirmed their words by releasing miracles.
It took courage to stay, boldness to speak, and faith to believe God would show up and do His part in that situation.
So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.
Acts 14:3 NIV.
Definition of Courage, Boldness and Faith
Miriam-Webster defines these three words as follows.
Courage- the mental or moral strength to try, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
Boldness- Showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit
Faith- 1) belief, trust in, and loyalty to God 2) the firm belief in something for which there is no proof
The only genuine source of these three things is our relationship with God. As we are connected to Him, these things flow into our lives in increasing measure.
1. Courage
It takes courage to step into new things, such as new relationships, a new country, or a new situation. As the definition states, it also takes courage to stay there.
We need wisdom with our courage. Courage is not doing stupid and reckless things. It is obeying God and stepping out of the easy into the uncomfortable. We are courageous when we choose to obey His command to reach all nations. It is also being willing to have uncomfortable conversations rather than pulling away. It is showing up in a dialogue when you are the minority opinion, and being willing to express your perspective.
Most things worth doing demand courage of us. What do you know you need to do, but lack courage for today?
2. Boldness
This is an absolutely critical characteristic in the life of a disciple, and even more so a cross-cultural missionary. Take a moment and ask yourself. How bold am I?
Some personalities are naturally more risk-taking. You may not have that kind of nature. That is okay. God Himself can place a boldness within us that pushes us to dare to do the things we could never do apart from Him.
Bold witness is a consistent factor in the launching of Disciple Making Movements. It’s vital if we want to pioneer new things God has put dreams in our hearts about. It must be nurtured within us.
When I’m feeling timid, I know I need two things; the Holy Spirit’s filling, and community. These strengthen us. Read Acts Chapter Two. Do you recall the difference in Peter’s life when the Holy Spirit filled him? Having a team of people you share both struggles and victories with increases boldness too.
3. Faith
We know the text from Hebrews, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” At times our faith is strong and fervent, other times it feels shaky. Faith is both a fruit of the Spirit and a spiritual gift. It is placed there by God Himself, not by our efforts. At the same time, we can be intentional about developing faith.
The Bible says faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Meditating on what God’s Word says rather than focusing on what people say, breathes life into your faith like a balloon gaining air. It expands it.
Silence the voices of doubt. Listen to the Almighty God, Creator of the Universe. What is He saying to you? Nothing is too hard for Him. Rise up in faith my friend. Receive a new gift of faith from God today. He is able to overcome any challenge you face.
It’s Not Wrong to Struggle
If you’ve noticed your courage, boldness, and faith have diminished, don’t despair. It’s okay to struggle. What is dangerous, is staying in that place without taking action. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in your life today. Ask Him to fill you again with renewed courage, boldness, and faith. He will meet you there.
Do you need prayer for this area? Reach out to us and the Missionary Life community. We’d love to stand with you for a fresh infusion of hope in these areas. Share your need below or on the Missionary Life Facebook group.
Have you ever met a missionary who seemed angry with the people of the country they worked in? Their mouths are always spouting off negative comments about the traffic, the food, and the way of life of the people in their host country? It’s an …
Reverse culture shock…it’s real. I’d returned to the United States after many years in India. Why do we need to make appointments two weeks in advance to see our friends? When I stop by, why am I not invited in for tea? I felt confused. …
The Lord’s Prayer is a wonderful model. We use it to teach new disciples how to pray. There are other prayers our Lord prayed that can be instructive to us as missionaries as well. In this article, we will spend time looking at the prayer Jesus prayed for His disciples. It is found in John chapter seventeen.
As we study this prayer of Jesus, we discover key concepts for life, ministry, and intercession. Our Lord’s prayers were outward focused. They were based on a deep love for His disciples. His prayers focused on God’s glory and Kingdom coming to earth.
Lessons From Jesus’ John 17 Prayer
1. Pray for Wholeness.
John 17:15-19 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them, I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.
Jesus prayed that we would stay in the world, not be extracted from it. We are called to live in the world and shine as bright lights, reflecting His glory. So often as Christians, and even missionaries, we build a Christian space (bubble) where we “live.” Jesus said He has sent us into the world, to live as those who are different, those who are being made whole. He uses the word sanctified.
What is sanctification? It seems like a heavy theological word we would use in seminary not everyday life. Dictionary.com defines sanctification this way, “to make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate.” Again, more big religious words.
Ruth Haley Barton explained this on a recent podcast. She said consecration, or holiness, has to do with wholeness, more than with doing everything perfectly. I love that! Yes! This happens as Jesus lives in and transforms us. We are being made whole. His life in us brings healing to our brokenness. We are sanctified.
As Jesus said, He was sanctified so his disciples could be sanctified. Missionaries and disciple makers must pursue ongoing wholeness and transformation. Only as we do this, are those we are training and ministering to are also going to enter that same wholeness. Jesus did this for us, we must do it for others as well.
2. Pray Generational Prayers.
John 17:20 My prayer is not for them alone, I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.
A church planting coach I know often asks his coachees this question. “How are your disciple’s disciples doing?” If we want to see the rapid growth of God’s Kingdom, we need to think beyond the person we are sharing Christ with or training as a disciple. We need to think and pray for their disciples too.
This morning, in my quiet time, I prayed for my children. I also prayed for my grandson. He is my daughter’s son. I take great delight in praying for him. It’s a generational prayer.
How often do you pray for those you are investing in? Fairly often I would guess! It’s far less likely that you pray regularly for those they are now, or will one day disciple in the future. Maybe they aren’t even witnessing to others yet. Jesus prayed for “those who will believe in me through their message” John 17:20 NIV. He prayed for His disciple’s disciples.
We get what we pray for! Begin to pray not only for your disciples, but for those who will believe in Jesus through their message, through their witness. As you do that, you will begin to see a multiplication of disciples. God answers our prayers!
3. Pray for Unity and Community – for the Sake of the World
John 17:21-23 “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- I in them and you in me- so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
It’s an incredible prayer Jesus prays over us! That we would be one as He and the Father are one. Perfect unity is not easy to achieve. It can only happen as Christ lives in us.
Notice the word “glory” in this passage. As we reflect the unity of the God-head, there is glory present. Glory is the manifest Presence of God reflected and demonstrated to the world. Nothing shows off who God is in a greater way, then when His people walk in loving submission to one another, honoring and serving each other. In a world so filled with self-centeredness, we stand out. Unity is noticeable and attractive. It is worth pursuing. It is worth praying for.
What does this unity look like? Its not sameness. It’s loving relationships that are deep and genuine. This means overlooking one another’s irritating personality traits. It is choosing to believe the best, choosing to honor rather than criticize. We overlook a “multitude of sins” (1 Cor. 13).
4. Pray that His Glory Would Be Seen
John 17:24-26 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
We must ask God to renew our passion to see His glory! We ask the Father, as Jesus did, for the grace to have fresh revelation of who He is, each and every day. When we see Him anew, we are able to enter His Presence. We draw near.
Jesus said, “I know you and they know that you have sent me…” How will the world recognize that God Himself has sent us to them? It is as we continue to draw close, as we continue to pursue Him. Jesus makes Him known to us, so we too can make the Father known to the world.
Pray for yourself and those you train or lead to have fresh revelation of God in their lives today. Pray that they will be able to see His glory, who He is in new ways. The result will be that the world will see Him too as He lives more fully within us.
Praying This Prayer With Christ
I take great comfort in knowing that Jesus intercedes for me. Not only did He pray this prayer so many years ago, today He lives as our intercessor today. He prays for you. He prays for those who will come to know the Father through your message.
Why not join Jesus and pray with Him this week? Take this passage and pray it. Insert your name or the name of your disciples into the text. For example, pray like this, “Sanctify Francis by your truth; your word is truth. As you sent me, C. Anderson, into the world, I have sent Francis into the world. For Francis, I sanctify myself so he too may be truly sanctified….” Get the idea?
Scripture sometimes frustrates me. I get annoyed when the realities of scripture don’t seem to match my life. Ever happen to you? Like the verse found in Isaiah 40:31, “they will run and not grow weary…” Hmmm. I get tired, really tired, sometimes. Perhaps you …