Author: C. Anderson

5 Important Reasons to Embrace the Waiting

5 Important Reasons to Embrace the Waiting

It’s been described in various ways. Sometimes it’s called a dark night of the soul. Sometimes it’s called burn-out or depression. Mid-life crisis is another name that is used. These are times when we seem caught in an unending period of transition. God is mostly 

3 Ways to Live Faithful on God’s Mission

3 Ways to Live Faithful on God’s Mission

Join me on an imagination exercise. Think of that day when you first see Jesus face to face. What an incredible moment that will be! Just gazing at His incredible beauty. My heart longs to see Him! I wonder, will He say to me – 

Need a Fresh Love Affair with the Word of God?

Need a Fresh Love Affair with the Word of God?

The last few weeks I’ve been falling in love again. It’s a wonderful feeling! Has my husband been extra romantic lately, you might be wondering? No, not really. I’m talking about my love affair with the Word of God.

The Bible has been a foundation for my life for a long, long time. I grew up in a missionary family so was taught the Word from childhood. As a kid, I memorized many scripture verses and passages. My mother read me Bible stories while I sat on her lap. We had regular devotions as a family.

But, if I am honest, I’d have to say that at times in my life, my relationship with the Word of God has grown a bit cold. Not that I didn’t still value it as truth. I did. I just wasn’t in love, not like I am today.

No Formulas

What changed? How do you fall in love with God’s Word again?

There are no formulas. I won’t pretend there are, or try to give you one. I’ll simply share my experience and a few suggestions to help.

A Place of Encounter

God; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are revealed to us in the Word. The Bible is not only a place to gain wisdom and information. It’s to be a place of encounter, a place of fellowship with the lover of our souls. God wants us to fall in love with Him as we read, contemplate, and study the Book.

Stuck in a Rut?

With romantic relationships, when you are stuck in a rut, it kills the feeling of being in love. When you always do the same things, over and over every week, month after month, year after year, it can lose its luster. Date nights feel boring if you never do anything new or creative! (This article isn’t about marriage, but we have other blogs on that topic.)

Our relationship with God and His Word needs fresh ways of interacting from time to time.

I love the You Version app and often read the Bible on my phone. Sometimes though, I like to hold a physical Bible in my hands and read.

For the past few years, I’ve focused on reading the Word contemplatively. This involves focusing on only a few verses and letting them sink deep into my heart (more details below).

Recently, I knew I needed a change. Praying about it, my longing poured out to the Lord, “God I want to be saturated in Your Word! I want it to be on my lips, and in my thoughts, and in my mind so it flows out of me like a wet sponge.

The Father then placed a thought in my heart. Why not read the entire Bible in two months, reading an hour a day? I did that and it was amazing! New life came from that Scripture saturation period.

I fell in love…even as I read through Old Testament books like Leviticus and Deuteronomy. New perspectives on who He is jumped out at me each day. Each day I journaled and asked myself at the end of my one-hour reading of 20 chapters…what was I learning about God?

New insights and fresh ways of seeing His character spilled off the pages. How beautiful and amazing is our Lord!

If you want to follow this plan on You Version, here is the link. Saturate yourself in the Word for a season and see how it changes you!

But that isn’t my point. As I said above, there aren’t formulas in a love relationship.

6 Ideas for Falling In Love With God in His Word

1. Read to connect with God, not to gain information.

John starts his gospel account with this verse. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John 1:1 NIV. The Word is alive. It’s not a book to be read to increase our knowledge. It’s a book where we meet God. Do you read it that way?

Before I start my time with God in His Word, I pause to pray. “Papa, I want to meet with
You on these pages today. Reveal Yourself to me. I am listening.”

Then, as you read, allow Him to do that.

2. Keep a journal

When something I’ve read or listened to (sometimes I use the audio Bible as well), stands out, I pause to write it down. Sometimes I write the verse in my journal. Other times, I follow that up with reflections or prayers, responding back to God, or jotting down and asking Him questions that the passage raises within.

After I finish reading, I often write out a prayer, or an action step…something God is saying I must obey Him and apply. Then I thank Him for meeting with me as I’ve read or studied.

3. Read longer passages in one sitting.

If you haven’t done this for a while, or have only read short passages, let me recommend a change. Try reading a whole book of the Bible in one sitting. Or on some of the longer books, read 15 to 20 chapters at one time. This brings things to life in new ways and the big picture of what God is doing comes through. We can get lost in the details and sometimes need that aerial view.

4. Memorize stories in a dramatic voice and share them with others.

A friend of mine recently did a YWAM training called Word by Heart. In that school, they memorize long passages of scripture but not in a rote memorization style. They read it dramatically, acting it out as they commit it to memory.

Away on a retreat together last week, she told me that for part of her retreat, she recited an entire gospel book- I think it was Luke. This was part of her meditation on scripture.

This year, I’m choosing five or six key stories to memorize and learn to share with others. I hope one day to be able to memorize and say these in Thai! As I do this, again, it’s not about knowledge but about my wonderful Savior – revealed through His Word.

5. Try contemplative reading where you focus on one or two verses.

If Bible reading plans have you feeling worn out, switch over for a while to a more contemplative reading approach. I love the Psalms for this! Sometimes I’ve even spent a whole month reading and meditating on one chapter, taking one verse each day. Or on verses that are particularly speaking to me, I may even consider and deeply think about one verse for a whole week.

Don’t be stuck in a pattern of legalistic routine where you have to read those three chapters each day. Love is free and exciting. Gaze upon His beauty and feel free to sit there for a time.

6. Put yourself into the story and imagine you are there.

Another helpful tool I’ve enjoyed is putting myself into the story I’m reading. I imagine I am there as a particular character in the Biblical narrative. What would I feel? Hear? Taste? Smell?

For example, when I read the story of Moses and the Pharoah in Exodus, I might imagine I am there in the court. I’m one of Pharoah’s servants watching Moses throw down his staff. I see it turn into a serpent. I feel shocked and in awe. Could Moses who grew up in this palace truly be a holy man? I’m disappointed when Pharoah rejects him and refuses to listen. What will happen next, I wonder…

See what I mean? This can be a refreshing way to read and think about scripture.

7. Leave duty. Pursue love.

Duty-based relationships are rarely intimate. As you turn to God’s Word this week, let go of your “I should read the Bible daily.” Instead, ask Jesus to help you fall in love again. Come to His Word with a longing for that. He will meet you there. You can be sure of it!

Got anything to add to this list? Let us know in the comments, or on Missionary Life’s Facebook group.

What will you do to keep your love relationship with the Word of God growing and alive?

Bursting that Sneaky Old Missionary Bubble (and Other Ways to Thrive)

Bursting that Sneaky Old Missionary Bubble (and Other Ways to Thrive)

It is easy to get busy with life. Where do you buy cooking gas? In some countries, it can be quite a process. First, you need a special government-issued card, which you wait in line for hours to get. Then you have to find the 

Do You Need to Have a “Crucial Conversation” With a Team Member?

Do You Need to Have a “Crucial Conversation” With a Team Member?

Paul Akin, of the Gospel Coalition, writes this. “The most common reason missionaries go home isn’t due to lack of money, illness, terrorism, homesickness, or even a lack of fruit or response to the gospel. Regretfully, the number one reason is a conflict with other 

A Lament In Time of Crisis

A Lament In Time of Crisis

I was reading through an old journal as I worked on a book I hope to publish one day. I came across this poem. It was written when we were trying to purchase land in India for a widow’s home.  Things had been tough.  The brokers we were dealing with were greedy, corrupt, and money-hungry. 

As I prayed one morning, I wrote this lament.  I hope it will encourage you, especially if you are facing a crisis or difficulty today.

Evil men, dishonest men… tell their lies
Demons influence people
Power, greed, control
Filthy streets, unclean hearts
My light feels dim
I feel unable to shine, to bring change
I am threatened, will I become like them?
Will I too be dirty

Corrupt, vying for power?
Tempted to lie, manipulate, pressurize?
Father, we are here for Your purpose
Protect us from evil, guard our hearts and minds

I wake up early
Disturbed in my spirit
Unable to rest
I seek you, my Lord
You are my shepherd
My Father
My Friend
To whom else would I turn?

Guard me, Lord, not only from them
But from myself
Lest I lose Your Spirit within me
Lest I lose the joy You have purchased for me
Lest I lose my health, my peace within

Teach me to rest
Teach me to trust
Teach me to believe
You are Mighty and Great
No one can withstand Your power or purpose
Your strength flows into me
My source, My hope

Courage…to face today
Strength…to fight for freedom
Peace…to rest in Your embrace
Hope…that what I cannot do, You are doing

If God is for me, who can be against me?
Bring justice to our cause
Force the hand of dishonest men
Show the pathway thru the waters
Part the sea

You are the same God who dealt with Pharoah
You are the same God who humbled kings of old
Can you not deal with land brokers and priests?

I rest in Your promises
I put my faith in Your Word
You will do Your Will and nothing can stop You
You are God and there is no other

The poor will find rest
Widows will dwell in safety
Shelter will be theirs
Children will laugh and play
Community and family
Food and crops
Health and healing
Prayer and honoring
My King lifted high
His name known and worshiped

I wait in expectation
For God to show Himself here
Patient, but anxious
Resting, but pressing in
Loving, serving
Anointed and free

Poems, and particularly what we call laments, are one of the best ways I have found to create space for our feelings of pain, discouragement, or sadness. The Bible is full of them. David often cried out to God in anger, and pain, and even expressed his hatred of his enemies. It is best not to keep these emotions bottled up inside. Pour them out to the Lord. He hears, sees, and understands. Our grief and frustration don’t bother Him. His shoulders are broad enough to carry your sorrow.

Write Your Own Lament

Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet or songwriter, why not give it a shot? Write your own lament about whatever you are going through right now. If you want to send it to me, I’d be happy to read it. Or you can post it on the Missionary Life Facebook Page. Your openness and vulnerability can encourage others too.

When Grief and Suffering Transform and Bring Life

When Grief and Suffering Transform and Bring Life

Sometimes our greatest transformation comes out of the moments of our deepest grief. Recently, YWAM around the world was rocked by the tragic news that eight key leaders were killed in a horrible bus accident. Our hearts go out to the families and staff who 

Why Sabbath Needs to Be One of Our Spiritual Disciplines

Why Sabbath Needs to Be One of Our Spiritual Disciplines

Is the Sabbath something we need to observe today? Didn’t Jesus ignore the Sabbath and do ministry on that day? Isn’t every day holy now? These questions about the Sabbath run through our thoughts. Why take Sabbath anyhow? Maybe when you think of Sabbath you 

Is Your Team’s Spiritual Gift Mix a Delight of Unique Flavors?

Is Your Team’s Spiritual Gift Mix a Delight of Unique Flavors?

Some flavors go together well. Others just don’t. Like lemongrass and coconut milk in Thai food. They complement each other and are delicious. Or palm butter and rice. Yum! But when you put minced chicken with ice cream it just doesn’t work, right? My husband used to do that as a kid! Yuck! Sometimes the flavors in our mission or disciple-making teams can be a delightful combination. Other times our team can “taste” pretty terrible.

I’ve written several blogs about team dynamics. They have addressed the differences of personality, culture, and spiritual gifts in missionary teams. Click here to see the introduction to this series.

Gifts Should Be Gifts

Spiritual gifts are supposed to be just that – gifts. When we value some giftings above others or become overly proud of any particular gift, it spoils the taste. The body of Christ, represented in our missionary team, becomes dysfunctional. When every team member, and the gifts resident within them, feel valuable and important, the team will thrive.

Valuing Each Person’s Gift

My husband has the gift of hospitality. Unusual for a guy you might be thinking. Maybe, but I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that it says women are the ones with the hospitality gifts and men are the ones with leadership gifts. Do you? You can read more about our journey related to this, if you are interested.

His gift is so valuable to me! I often forget to do the needful, especially in Asian culture, and serve tea or welcome people well. He is so great at this! I am so thankful for him.

The leadership team I am currently on has someone who is very pastoral. Again, his spiritual gift is such a blessing! He has a gentle, loving way of interacting with people. We are different, but it’s a good flavor in our team mix.

“Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.” 1 Cor. 12:1

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

As each person on your team discovers their spiritual gifts, the team will be able to function well. Each member will flow in their role as a part of the Body of Christ. They can be who they were created by God to be. There will be no pressure to be someone else or to operate in someone else’s gifting.

There are many different free spiritual gifts tests you can take online. This site has a free downloadable version too. A popular framework related to the five-fold ministry gifts is called APEST (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher).

The primary Bible passages where the spiritual gifts are listed are:
1) Romans 12:6-8
2) 1 Cor. 12:8-10,
3) Ephesians 4
4) 1 Peter 4.

Take time to study these individually and together.

As you look at the lists, you will see many areas that overlap. Some gifts combine with others.

Encourage each team member to assess themselves to find out what their gifts are. Then share these with one another. Each person can also give input to the other team members. They can mention how they have seen the other team members functioning in various spiritual gifts. This is greatly encouraging to hear. It also serves as a confirmation to hear others say they also see those gifts in you.

If some team members are still young, encourage them to experiment with all of the spiritual gifts. Avoid labeling. You don’t know what your gifts are until you try something new. You may be surprised what God releases within you as you step out in faith!

Can Introverts Have The Gift Of Evangelist?

I had a friend in college who was extremely introverted. She never talked to anyone and kept to herself. She had a small circle of friends. But when we went out together to do street evangelism she was amazing! She so clearly had the spiritual gift of an evangelist! Don’t just think about personality types here. These are spiritual gifts, meaning they are given to you and empowered by God’s Spirit! They are not limited to your natural gifts.

The area where team conflict can arise is when we are very passionate about the particular ministries we are called to. We naturally place a higher value on the areas of ministry we are gifted in.

Those with the gift of teaching may have a hard time understanding why we don’t require everyone to do Inductive Bible Study. “Why aren’t we doing a better job building Biblical foundations in the disciples we are making?” they may wonder.

Someone with an apostolic gift wants to pioneer in new places and move in the supernatural more. They get bored with things after a few years and want to move on.

The pastor will want to develop and care for people as the top priority.

This is why we are a body. As it says in 1 Corinthians, we must honor and value each member of the body.

  • How are you doing in your team in making space for one another’s spiritual gifts?
  • Is one gift or ministry emphasis dominating things?
  • Is it given more value than another? In the way you prioritize your team’s activities?

Putting It Into Action

The better we understand our spiritual gifts and those of the other team members, the more we can become a healthy functioning team.

Maybe it’s been a while since you thought about your spiritual gifts. Take some time to re-read these Bible passages and pray about them. Ask God to show you what gifts He has placed within you. Commit yourself to using and growing them. Encourage other team members to do the same.

What step will you take this week to discover more about the spiritual gifts in your own life or within your team? Let me know in the comments or on the Missionary Life Facebook page.

Are You Working Hard For God? Or Working Well With God?

Are You Working Hard For God? Or Working Well With God?

Sabbath is a day for rest and intake. I try to do things that will refresh and renew my soul. One of these for me is listening to audiobooks. Recently, I’ve been listening to a book called More of God by R.T.Kendall. Something struck me